| - As Trogg, Shirob unsuccessful attempted to invade his home on a number of occasions. The berzerker reverted back to his fox form briefly, sending a message through the Magic Crystal of Communication that tricked the other Kings into sending Tails to rescue Shirob. The fox kept up this act, allowing Tails and Errol Blackthorn to rescue him from being chained to a rock and a Pit Beast's supper. Tails' later destruction of the Dark Orb that powered the Dark One ment that Trogg would eventually turn back into Shirob. After this, Shirob continued his old life as a king, not particularly standing out from his fellow rulers.
- Some time before Tails left the Zone, Shirob accidentally made contact with the Evil One, which drove him insane and transformed him into the monstrous Trogg. The other Enchanter Kings believed that Trogg had killed Shirob, so he was captured and exiled across the Dimension Bridge into the Land Beyond.
| - As Trogg, Shirob unsuccessful attempted to invade his home on a number of occasions. The berzerker reverted back to his fox form briefly, sending a message through the Magic Crystal of Communication that tricked the other Kings into sending Tails to rescue Shirob. The fox kept up this act, allowing Tails and Errol Blackthorn to rescue him from being chained to a rock and a Pit Beast's supper. Tails' later destruction of the Dark Orb that powered the Dark One ment that Trogg would eventually turn back into Shirob. After this, Shirob continued his old life as a king, not particularly standing out from his fellow rulers.
- Some time before Tails left the Zone, Shirob accidentally made contact with the Evil One, which drove him insane and transformed him into the monstrous Trogg. The other Enchanter Kings believed that Trogg had killed Shirob, so he was captured and exiled across the Dimension Bridge into the Land Beyond. Trogg later assumed Shirob's form as part of a revenge scheme against Tails, who had defeated him (by chance) in single combat. "Shirob" pretended to be Trogg's prisoner and sent a message to his fellow Enchanter Kings, who soon sent help in the form of Tails and Errol Blackthorn. Trogg later revealed his true identity, but Tails and Errol were able to escape. When the Evil One (also known as the Dark One) was eventually destroyed, Trogg slowly transformed back into Shirob. Now free of the Dark One's evil, he rejoined the ranks of the Enchanter Kings. As one of the Enchanter Kings, he later agreed to pledge allegiance to the Goblin Empire in order to avoid a costly and futile war.