| - Boyd is the main antagonist in The Trumpet of the Swan. His intention is to marry Louie's love interest Serena, and he hates Louie for being defective. Because Louie had interrupted Boyd's wedding with Serena and shown her his cloud heart, telling her that she is his and he is hers, an angry Boyd steals Louie's horn and throws it into the lake, demanding he never come back, resulting in a fight. Not being literate, Boyd ends up crashing into a dangerous cliff's wall when Louie, who has learned to read, flies straight upward while they were fighting. He was voiced by Seth Green.
- Boyd ist ein männlicher Gorilla. Er hat am 1. Oktober Geburtstag und ist ein launischer Dorfbewohner.
- Boyd is a former Hunter who now resides in Al Maajik. He can be seen near north of the entrance of the Desert Ravine in a small farm with his chickens and his dog, Chai.
- Boyd plays a minor role in all the episodes, usually seen as a background character, or a victim of Early's actions. He is robbed for unknown reason most of the time, but a reason will come on some occasions.
- Boyd was a glider pilot.
- Private Boyd was Staff Sergeant Hill's Radioman.
- Boyd ist der zweitälteste der drei Brüder von Greils Söldnern. Er ist jünger als Oscar, aber älter als sein Halbbruder Rolf. Zudem ist er gut befreundet mit Ike und Alja.
- Boyd was the faith healer patient in the episode "House vs. God".
- Boyd was one of the detectives present at the reading of the will under the command of the Sheriff. When one of the older relatives collapsed in fright at the dreadful news, he helped her back into a sitting position. He later went for back-up after it was announced that all the relatives had disappeared. (HRTSF: The Laurel-Hardy Murder Case)
- Boyd was a mercenary of the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet who was cryo-frozen after dying when a shuttle crashed into the Triumph over Marilac, and successfully revived at the Beauchene Life Center on Escobar. After revival, Boyd was released to the Triumph for therapy.
- Patty hired him to work at Wood and Jones Printing. Boyd usually called in late. He was fired after Halloween.
- Boyd is a minor character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.
- Boyd, also known as Boyd1, is a Dr. Lunatic Supreme With Cheese world builder. He has made the following worlds: Alien Land (with Redbone)
- Boyd (ボーレ Bōre, Bole in the Japanese version) is a playable character from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the middle child of his family, and joined the Greil Mercenaries in order to support his younger brother Rolf and fight alongside his older brother Oscar. He is friendly rivals with Ike, initially doubting him as the leader of the Greil Mercenaries, but eventually coming to terms with him. Boyd is supervised occasionally by his Deputy Commander, Titania.
- The Boyd are one of the four Cabals. Little is known about the Boyd's.
- El Maestro Boyd es el entrenador de Johnny Cage según la película Mortal Kombat y es interpretado por Peter Jason. En la película, el Maestro Boyd aparece en el set de filmación de la película que hace Johnny Cage, pero como la prensa cree que Cage es un fraude de las artes marciales, Boyd le explica que puede probarlo y lo invita a participar en el torneo Mortal Kombat, así todo el mundo verá que no es fraude. Le da a Cage un pergamino chino y el lugar donde zarpará el barco rumbo al torneo. Después de lograr su cometido, Boyd se revela como una tranformación más de Shang Tsung.
- Boyd is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. In Path of Radiance He will join your party at the very beginning of the game, and has the class titled "Fighter", and when promoted, Warrior. He wields an axe, and has two brothers, Oscar and Rolf. In Radiant Dawn he joins at the start of part 3, he starts as Warrior, but can promote into Reaver.
- Boyd is a moderator on the Facebook page and an admin on the mod's Official Server. His in-game username is TheSmileBC. He is currently a Wood Elf. He used to be named Malinon_Catsman, Arantoer_II and b_boymasterman and built Minas Tirith mostly on his own, but later turned evil, led the Hillmen of Rhudar, and changed his name to what it is today. He later left the adminship and became a Wood-elf, but has recently reclaimed his title as Admin. On the wiki, his username is Arantoer.