"New media" for our purposes means computers, the Internet, and everything on them: blogs, podcasts, machinima, online collaborative fics (see: Orions Arm), games, and - since we are here - wikis. Here are some major sub-headers:
* Alternate Reality Game Tropes
* Friending Network
* Internet
* Original Character Tournament
* Video Game Tropes
* Virtual Worlds
* Web Original New Media-in-the-press tropes:
* Emulation Other New Media Tropes and definitions:
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| - "New media" for our purposes means computers, the Internet, and everything on them: blogs, podcasts, machinima, online collaborative fics (see: Orions Arm), games, and - since we are here - wikis. Here are some major sub-headers:
* Alternate Reality Game Tropes
* Friending Network
* Internet
* Original Character Tournament
* Video Game Tropes
* Virtual Worlds
* Web Original New Media-in-the-press tropes:
* Emulation Other New Media Tropes and definitions:
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| - "New media" for our purposes means computers, the Internet, and everything on them: blogs, podcasts, machinima, online collaborative fics (see: Orions Arm), games, and - since we are here - wikis. Here are some major sub-headers:
* Alternate Reality Game Tropes
* Friending Network
* Internet
* Original Character Tournament
* Video Game Tropes
* Virtual Worlds
* Web Original New Media-in-the-press tropes:
* New Media Are Evil
* New Technology Is Evil
* Old Media Are Evil (the New Media's rejoinder)
* Old Media Playing Catch Up
* The New Rock and Roll
* You Can Panic Now The Old Media also tend to have a bee in their bonnet about infringement, since a lot of New Media stand in a sort of gray area in regards to copyright. Aside from half of the kinds of Fan Work, including the aforementioned Machinima, there's also this:
* Emulation Other New Media Tropes and definitions:
* Access
* Animutation
* BB Code
* Blogosphere
* Breaking the Reviewers Wall
* Digital Avatar
* Direct Demographic
* Emoticon
* Eternal September
* Faux HTML Tags
* Forum Roleplays
* Journal Roleplay
* Play-By-Post Games
* 419 Scam
* Fun with Autocensors
* Genius Programming
* Godwin's Law
* Image Macro
* Instant Humiliation - Just Add YouTube
* Instant Web Hit
* Internet Backdraft
* Internet Counterattack
* Key of Awesome
* Kung Fu Jesus
* Literal Music Video
* Long Runner Tech Marches On
* Misplaced Nationalism
* Mistakenly Banned
* The Most Dangerous Video Game
* Podcast
* Alternate DVD Commentary
* Podiobooks
* Rickroll
* The Rule of First Adopters
* Sarcasm Mode
* Screen Name
* Scunthorpe Problem
* Shock Site
* Stupid Statement Dance Mix
* Technology Marches On
* Video Collage
* Video Review Show
* Vlog Series
* Webisode
* Web Serial Novel
* Web 2.0