| - Users of Ryūshiton have an innate special type of chakra that allows them to use their chakra, directed by words, to manipulate the forces of nature. Performing a task with Ryūshiton costs as much energy as would be lost to do the task by mundane means. For instance if the user wanted to move a boulder, it would drain him of the same amount of energy that is required to move the boulder by physical means. The manipulation of matter and energy is also limited by the laws of conservation of mass and energy and these laws can never be broken. Violation of these laws will force the technique to continue to drain the user of chakra until the required amount was available. So if a user performs a technique that needs more energy than he has at the moment, the technique will drain him or her of all his energy, leading to the user's death. Each act of Ryūshiton is linked to a word or phrase, with each technique being linked to a particular word or phrase, though a skilled and disciplined user could overcome this restriction by phrasing his words in a manner so as to accomplish his task. A Ryūshiton user's abilities are thus limited by his or her knowledge of the phrases or words that are linked to a particular technique; the smaller his vocabulary, the fewer techniques he can perform. The task to be carried is done by focusing on the phrase that will result in the required outcome and then releasing the amount of chakra required for the task. As one's skill in Ryūshiton magic waxed strong, he or she becomes able to use Ryūshiton techniques by merely thinking the words, rather than saying them. As explained by Kikyou, sound itself has no control over the techniques, it is the thought that the user focuses on that makes the difference. Most Ryūshiton users, however, continued to speak words aloud, ensuring that stray thoughts did not disrupt the techniques they use. A person's ability to use Ryūshiton was often characterized by a specific color. Kikyou's color is gold and so her eyes glow with a golden aura when she uses Ryūshiton.