| - The Phantom Wraiths, also called "Phantoms" and "Wraiths", are non-corporeal wraith-like entities from the Phantom Zone and villains in Smallville. Phatom Wraiths Wraiths often appear to be non-corporeal versions of Kryptonians that have been stripped of their physical body, others like Bizarro and Dr. Hudson, were non-corporeal humanoids. Phantoms can be forcibly removed from a host using a Crystal of El or a similar device. It is worth noting that if a phantom possesses a vessel of its own DNA, such as a clone, it will be made whole again, as seen with General Zod.
| - The Phantom Wraiths, also called "Phantoms" and "Wraiths", are non-corporeal wraith-like entities from the Phantom Zone and villains in Smallville. Phatom Wraiths Wraiths often appear to be non-corporeal versions of Kryptonians that have been stripped of their physical body, others like Bizarro and Dr. Hudson, were non-corporeal humanoids. Phantoms Wraiths are cast or portray criminals sent to the Phantom Zone with their physical bodies eliminated for the most horrific of crimes. Resembling wraiths, the bodiless phantoms roam the Zone at will, attacking with little, if any warning. Though primarily insubstantial, they are able to cut, and even grab, their victims. Outside of the Zone, they are not shown to have any substance; however, they are able to possess a host at will. Once they do so, the host body gains any abilities the Phantom Wraith may have had in its original form. However, these powers vanish once a Phantom leaves, or is forced out of, the individual they are possessing. Phantoms can be forcibly removed from a host using a Crystal of El or a similar device. It is worth noting that if a phantom possesses a vessel of its own DNA, such as a clone, it will be made whole again, as seen with General Zod.