| - At Angel Grove High, Kimberly, Trini, Billy, Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Justin, Kat, Angela, and I were walking through the halls as Kimberly was reading the cities newspaper to us about an interesting article about the Power Rangers. "And because of their contribution to justice and their unending efforts to protect the entire planet, Angel Grove City officials have declared today 'Power Ranger Day'." Kimberly read in the cities newspaper. We then walk up the stairs. "Hey, guys. What's up?" Zack inquired walking over towards us "Hey Zack." Angela greeted "Hey babe." Zack greeted back The two then share a kiss. "We were reading about the Power Rangers." Trini mentioned "Oh, yeah? What's it say?" Zack inquired "Mayor Carrington hopes that the mysterious super heroes will make a public appearance in Angel Grove Park, where countless fans will be gathered to celebrate them." Kimberly read in the paper Kimberly then closes and folds up the newspaper. "I have a feeling the Power Rangers will show up don't you?" Kimberly inquired "There's defiantly a strong possibility that they will make a special appearance." I stated "I wouldn't be surprised." Jason mentioned We all then walk off. Bulk and Skull then walk down the stairs into the main hallway. "Come on, Bulk. You got to tell me." Skull pleaded Skull then gets in front of Bulk and halts him from walking any further. "What are you planning?" Skull questioned "Okay, all right, okay." Bulk whispered Bulk then motioning Skull to follow him as he leads him to a empty spot in the hallway. "You know how that they're planning that party for the Power Rangers in the park?" Bulk inquired "Yeah, yeah." Skull confirmed "Well, we are going to steal a little bit of their thunder. We're going to show the Power Rangers aren't the only super heroes in this city." Bulk told him grabbing Skull by the shirt collar and lifting him up off the ground. "Yeah. They're not the only super heroes in this city." Skull repeated Bulk then drops Skull as Skull then looks at Bulk funny. "They're not?" Skull inquired "Wait till they get a load of us." Bulk told him as he straighten up Skull's shirt and motions him to follow him Skull follows Bulk still unsure of what he is talking about. Rita was spying on the Rangers when she notice that Angel Grove is going to hold a party in their honor. Rita sits near her Crystal Ball preparing to begin her new plan of attack. "Maybe we should attend this little party too." Rita mentioned "Suppose there will be Swedish meatballs?" Baboo inquired "Yeah, I love those kind of meatballs." Squatt mentioned "Quiet you bubbleheads. We're not going for a social visit. We're going to destroy the Power Rangers." Goldar told them "That's right, Goldar. And to finish them off, I will use all of my power to activate your Zord, Cyclopsis." Rita told him Rita then begins waving her hands around her Crystal Ball. "Oh, my star of doom. A few wild storms and evil winds arise. Who dares to challenge you?" Rita chanted "I can't watch." Squatt cried out "Bring forth Cyclopsis now." Rita chanted Lightning begins to strike the Crystal Ball as well as through the Throne Room. "I shall not fail you, my queen. I will pilot Cyclopsis and finally send the Power Rangers to their doom." Goldar told her At Angel Grove Park, the entire town has gathered for the city's newest historic event and for a chance to hopefully see the Power Rangers live and up close. Jason, Zack, Angela, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, and Justin were walking around the grounds looking around at the entire town's people gathered in one place as well as looking around the area for Paul, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly. "Paul, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly are supposed to meet us right around here." Jason mentioned "Check it out, guys. All these people are here to see the Power Rangers." Zack pointed out "I know, this is really awesome." Angela agreed "I've never seen this many people in one place before." Adam mentioned "Or in this park in general." Rocky added "It's like the entire town took the day off to come see the Power Rangers." Justin mentioned "Just about Justin." Kat told him "Hey Jase, don't you think it's time we Morph into costume?" Adam inquired "No not yet, we need to wait for Paul, Trini, Billy, and Kimberly to get here. And besides, by mingling with the crowd like this, we lessen the chances of anybody finding out who we really are." Jason explained The others nodded in agreement. As Billy, Kimberly, Trini, and I walk around through the park looking for Jason and the others, we also take in the amazing site of the entire city in one single park here to us, the Power Rangers. "I cannot believe how many people are here." Kimberly mentioned I then happen to spot Ernie. "Look, there's Ernie." I pointed out "Hey Ernie." We all greeted "Hey guys." Ernie greeted as we passed each other "Mrs. Appleby, hi." Billy greeted as he spotted our teacher "Hi, kids." Miss. Appleby greeted as we walk passed each other "Prodigies, Everyone's here to see the Power Rangers." Billy stated "Cause, this is so neat." Trini stated "Strange, I don't see mom anywhere." Kimberly mentioned "Well, she probably feels bad, you know, kind of left out after having help us out a couple of times." Trini stated "Nah. She'll show up." Kimberly stated I then dig out my father's old Power Coin and look at it. "You ok Paul?" Kimberly inquired "Yeah, I'm just thinking what my dad would think on this whole event. He would really get a kick out of it." I mentioned "I'm sure he is looking down upon us right now from heaven, smiling at such an amazing event happening." Trini assured putting a hand on my shoulder I smile at her. "Yeah, your right Trini." I agreed We then share a quick kiss. I quickly kiss my dad's Power Coin before putting it back in my pocket. "Look, there's Jason Zack, Angela, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, and Justin." Billy pointed out straight ahead of us "Come on." I told them We then race over towards the others. Rita was spying on the crowed park through her Repulsascope, with the entire town there to see the Power Rangers. "Look at them. Hahahaha!" Rita stated laughing evilly "You want a big crowd?" Baboo inquired "Yeah, we'll trap the people in another dimension and make it easy to hunt the Rangers down." Squatt pointed out "My queen, the Dimensional Vortex beam is ready." Finster informed her "Soon, everyone of them will be our prisoners." Goldar stated In another part of the park, Bulk and Skull were walking around looking for the right moment to put Bulk's latest plan into action. They then spot a booth that contains photos of the Power Rangers. Bulk grabs one off the booth and takes a quick look at before crumbling it up and tossing it to the ground. "Today's the day, the people of Angel Grove are going to meet this city's newest super heroes. Come on, let's duck in here." Bulk told Skull pointing towards the booth "Yeah. Let's duck in here." Skull repeated Bulk and Skull then duck into the booth and change into their homemade super hero outfits. A few moments later, Bulk and Skull walk towards the stage dressed in their super hero outfits. "With iron chests and arms of steel." Bulk called out "We've got real super hero appeal." Skull called out "We'll protect this city with all our might. Bulkster." Bulk called out "And Super Skull." Skull called out "Well set things right." Both of them called out "Come on. Let's go show up those Power Rangers." Bulk told him "Yeah." Skull agreed They then bump fits before continuing towards the stage with everyone around them just staring at them either laughing or in confusion. The twelve of us were standing around talking with one another waiting for the right moment to go and Morph and greet all of Angel Grove. "So, you guys ready to Morph?" Jason inquired We all nodded as Justin just begins jumping up and down. "Oh, yeah. Yes. Yes." Justin cheered "Whoa, whoa. Calm down Justin." Kat told him putting her hands on his shoulders to calm him down "Sorry, I'm just so excited for this." Justin stated "I know what you mean little buddy." Zack mentioned Suddenly, we then see Bulk and Skull dressed as some kind of super heroes walk right by us. "Out of our way." Bulk told everyone "Yes. Out of our way." Skull repeated We then see them make their way over towards the stage. "What are they doing in those costumes?" Kimberly questioned "With those two, who knows." Aisha stated "Their ideas seem to just get weirder and weirder by the day." I stated "Yeah, no kidding." Rocky agreed "Now this I've got to see." Jason mentioned "Yeah, same here." I agreed "Come on." Trini stated We all then walk closer to the stage as Bulk and Skull walk onto it and Bulk walking towards the mic. "Testing. Testing. Testing." Bulk called out through the mic tapping on it Everyone in the park turns his or her attention towards them, wondering what kind of prank or scheme they are doing this time. "Hello, good citizens of Angel Grove. And welcome to this city's most historic moment a moment when two of the most dynamic, powerful, incredible super heroes ever to walk the earth decided to move to this fair city and protect its people. Of course, I'm talking about myself and my sidekick." Bulk told us motioning towards Skull Bulk then gets into some kind of fighting stance. "I'm, the Incredible Bulkster." Bulk called out Skull then gets into his own fighting pose. "And I'm, Super Skull, Boy Wonderful." Skull called out "Show us some of your super powers." A kid calls out "Yeah." Another kid agreed "Yeah, let us see." Someone else told them Bulk and Skull then begin doing weird poses pretending to fight, which causes all of us in the crowd just to laugh at their stupidity. "This is classic." Zack stated "Yeah no kidding. I can't believe that they be this stupid enough to do something like this." I added "No lie." Trini agreed Everyone just continues to laugh as Bulk and Skull continue to act like a couple of idiots. "My queen, at your command, all of Angel Grove will be beamed into another dimension." Goldar informed her "Zap them now. Hahaha!" Rita ordered laughing evilly "Goodbye, sniveling citizens." Goldar stated Bulk and Skull continue to make fools out of themselves when suddenly they disappear into thin air. "What the?" I wondered Suddenly, more people begin to vanish into thin air. "Where did they go?" Zack inquired Suddenly, more people begin to disappear. "What's going on?" Justin wondered Suddenly, everyone else in the park except for the twelve of us disappear into thin air as well. "Oh, no." Kat muttered "Where's everyone gone?" Kimberly inquired "The whole park is empty." Trini added Jason then reached for his Communicator. "Jason to Command Center, we have an emergency." Jason said into the Communicator "Yes, I'm already picking it up Rangers. A powerful Vortex Beam emanating from the Moon appeared to has enveloped everyone in Angel Grove." Zordon said through the Communicators "It's Rita." Aisha stated "Great, she always picks the worse times to do something evil." Angela stated "But, what could she be planning on doing that involves making everyone in Angel Grove but us disappear?" Billy inquired "I think we may find out sooner rather then later." I mentioned Alpha was working on the main console when he picked up something. "I've got something, Zordon." Alpha informed him "Good. Now lock the scanner onto the dimensional beam and track its coordinates carefully, Alpha. Watch for any movement toward Earth." Zordon explained Alpha walks towards the Viewing Globe and sees a beam striking the Earth. "But how can the Moon move?" Alpha inquired "The Moon cannot Alpha, but Rita's Palace can." Zordon told him "Rangers, if Rita brings her Palace to Earth, as I fear she may. It will greatly increase her powers." Zordon said through the Communicators "Her Palace?" Kat inquired "Does she even have the power to do that?" Angela wondered "She does." I muttered "Paul, is there anything you know about this that your dad had mention to you before?" Trini inquired "If Rita is indeed planning to bring her Palace towards Earth, she may be trying to call forth Cyclopsis." I told them "Cyclopsis? What's that?" Jason questioned "It's Goldar's own battlezord." I told him "But Paul, how do you know of this Zord?" Kimberly questioned "Dad told me about this Zord, it's said that this Zord is pure evil and no one except for those with evil in their beings can pilot the Zord." I explained "So, your dad fought against this Zord before Paul?" Billy inquired "Yes." I confirmed I then turn towards them. "If Rita does bring this Zord back, we're in for a major battle." I added Everyone just looks at me in shock. "All right, time to travel everyone." Rita told them "Ooh, should I pack a bathing suit?" Squatt inquired "To power my Battlezord, the Palace must be close to it." Goldar explained Suddenly, the whole Palace begins to shake. "That's why I'm taking us to Earth." Rita explained "Where I shall destroy the puny Power Rangers once and for all." Goldar proclaimed "We're right on target. Yeah." Squatt stated looking through Rita's Repulsascope Suddenly, the Palace enters Earth's atmosphere landing in the middle of Downtown Angel Grove. Suddenly, the Earth begins shaking. "Whoa." Kimberly cried out "What's happening?" Angela questioned "I was afraid of this, it would seem that Rita has decided to bring her Palace to Earth." I told them "We got big trouble down here, Zordon." Jason said into the Communicator "Summon Cyclopsis, my Empress." Goldar requested Suddenly, the ground breaks open and out from underneath the ground Goldar's War Zord rises up from it. Cyclopsis. "With her Palace right in Downtown Angel Grove, Rita will be ten times more powerful Zordon." Alpha stated pushing a few buttons "Yes Alpha. Activate the Viewing Globe." Zordon instructed "Right Zordon. Ayi, yi, yi, yi, yi!" Alpha cried out pushing a few buttons Alpha then walked over towards the Viewing Globe as him and Zordon then see Goldar enter Cyclopsis. "Goldar, as I suspected. And with the power of Rita's Palace they have activated Cyclopsis, Goldar's War Zord. It looks very bad indeed." Zordon stated "We haven't seen this monster in over eighteen years. Not since Paul's father battle it." Alpha mentioned "Rangers, Morph to downtown and activate Megazord, Dragon Zord, Prehistoric Megazord, and Sarcosuchus Dino Zord, Warrior Mode." Zordon said through the Communicators "Let's get moving guys." I stated "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" Jason yelled out "SARCOSUCHUS!" Justin yelled out "ANKYLO!" Adam yelled out "STEGOSAURUS!" Kat yelled out "SPINOSAURUS!" Angela yelled out "RAPTOR!" Aisha yelled out "BRACHIOSAURUS!" Rocky yelled out "DRAGONZORD!" I yelled out "MASTODON!" Zack yelled out "PTERODACTYL!" Kimberly yelled out "TRICERATOPS!" Billy yelled out "SABER-TOOTHED TIGER!" Trini yelled out "TYRANNOSAURUS!" Jason yelled out Once Morphed, we teleported down to Downtown Angel Grove. "All right Rangers, let's do it." Jason told us "We need Dino Zord Power now." Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, Trini, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, Justin, and Angela called out "Tyrannosaurs Dino Zord Power." Jason called out Just then, the Tyrannosaurs Zord came out of the earth "Mastodon Dino Zord Power." Zack called out Just then, the Mastodon Zord came out of the ice. "Triceratops Dino Zord Power." Billy called out Just then, the Triceratops Zord rolled along the desert. "Saber-Tooth Tiger Dino Zord Power." Trini called out Just then, the Saber Tooth Tiger Zord ran along the jungle. "Pterodactyl Dino Zord Power." Kimberly called out Just then, the Pterodactyl Zord came out of a volcano. "Brachiosaurus Dino Zord Power." Rocky called out Just then, the Brachiosaurus Zord came walking out of the ocean. "Raptor Dino Zord Power." Aisha called out Just then, the Raptor Zord came running out of the jungle. "Ankylo Dino Zord Power." Adam called out Just then, the Ankylo Zord came walking out of the woods "Stegosaurus Dino Zord Power." Kat called out Just then, the Stegosaurus Zord came charging out of the mountains "Spinosaurus Dino Zord Power." Angela called out Just then, the Spinosaurus came rolling out of the dessert. "Sarcosuchus Dino Zord Power." Justin called out Just then, the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord came walked out of the swamp. "All right, let's do it." Jason stated Jason then jumped up and hopped into the Tyrannosaurus Dino Zord's cockpit. "Rangers, log on." Jason called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Angela, Justin, and Kat then hopped up into their Zord's cockpits. "Mastodon, ready to kick it." Zack called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Triceratops, online." Billy called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Saber-Toothed Tiger, ready." Trini called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Pterodactyl, ready to fly high." Kimberly called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Brachiosaurus, activated and ready." Rocky called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Raptor, ready to rock." Aisha called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Ankylo, ready to go." Adam called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Stegosaurus, let's do this thing." Kat called out placing her hands on the controls front of her "Spinosaurus, time to get rolling." Angela called out placing her hands on the controls in front of her "Sarcosuchus, ready to battle Cyclopsis." Justin called out placing his hands on the controls in front of him "Alright Power Rangers. Power up your Crystals now." Jason instructed as he powered up his own Crystal and inserted it into the console in front of him "Two, one, power up." Zack, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, Justin, and Angela confirmed doing the same with their Crystals "Let's do this Rangers time to bring them together, Megazord power." Jason instructed Just then the Mastodon Zord transformed into arms with cannons out the front. Then the three Zords combined with the Tyrannosaurs Zord and the Pterodactyl Zord sat behind the T Rex's head. They all then ended up in the Megazord cockpit as they rolled forward towards the Slippery Shark. "Initiating Megazord Battle Mode Sequence now." Jason called out Just then the tank mode started to stand up. Turning the Saber Tooth Tiger and Triceratops Zords into legs and feet. The Mastodon became the arms while the Tyrannosaurus became the body. Just then the T Rex's head went into the Megazord and the Pterodactyl Zord became the chest shield and the head of the Megazord activated. "Megazord, power up." Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, and Zack called out "Prehistoric Megazord power now." Rocky called out Just then the Brachiosaurus became the main body with the Stegosaurus and Spinosaurus Dino Zords became the legs and then with the Ankylo and Raptor Dino Zords becoming the arms with the Ankylo Zord arm being the drill. "Prehistoric Megazord online." Rocky, Aisha, Adam, Kat, and Angela called out "Sarcosuchus, Dino Warrior Mode." Justin called out pushing down on the lever in front of him Just then the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord stood up on its back legs then its front legs turned into arms then the bottom jaw folded down showing a face. Then the Zord's tail turned into a Sword. "Power up." Justin called out "I call upon Dragon Zord." I called out I begin playing the Dragon Dagger. Suddenly, the Dragon Zord rose up from the ocean and arrived on the battlefield. "Hang on, I'm coming aboard." I stated I then jump up and hop into the Dragon Zord's cockpit. "Ok, Dragon Zord is powered up and ready to take down Cyclopsis." I called out placing my hands on the controls in front of me "Let's do it." Jason told us "Right." The rest of us agreed We then advance our Zords towards Cyclopsis. Once closer to it, we discover that someone is inside of it. "Look, Goldar's driving Cyclopsis." Jaosn pointed out "I knew it. This isn't going to be easy guys. So be ready for anything." I warned them "Attack." Goldar ordered Goldar then has Cyclopsis charge in towards us. "Here he comes." Justin called out "We can't allow him to get a statistic advance. We've got to match him move for move." Billy stated "If we don't, we're finished." Trini added "Right." Jason agreed "We already outnumber him, four to one. We have that much at least." Aisha stated "Your right Aisha." Kat agreed "Just watch your backs." I warned them Cyclopsis then begins fighting our Zords. We try to land our own attacks on it but he manages to dodge them and just keep sending punches to our Zords making them stagger back. We then see some kind of blaster cannon appear pointing straight at us. "Lookout, it's about to fire its missiles." I called out But before we could do anything, Goldar had Cyclopsis fire its missiles at us sending our Zords to the ground. "Jason, we've got to get up." Kimberly told him "We can't let him trash the city." Trini mentioned "I'm trying to get the Megazord back on its feet, but Cyclopsus is too powerful. I'll try and get the controls to respond. Patch in the emergency pods and give me full power." Jason explained "Guys, we need to do the same for the Prehistoric Megazord." Rocky told Adam, Aisha, Kat, and Angela "Right." The four agreed We all then manage to get our Zords back onto their feet. We then charge in and begin fighting Cyclopsis again. This time, we manage to get a hit on it sending it staggering back a bit. "All right." Justin cheered Suddenly, Cyclopsis fired an powerful energy beam at us causing our Zords to stagger backwards again. "Jason, we need help." Zack told him "I know. Paul, we need some Gorilla Zord power here." Jason told me "I'm on it Jase, I call upon Xavier." I called out raising my hand into the air Suddenly, Xavier appeared in my hand. "I need Gold Gorilla Thunder Zord power now." I called out Suddenly, the Gorilla Zord came barrowing down through the mountains. "Alright, Gold Gorilla Zord, convert to Warrior Mode now." I called out Suddenly, the Gold Gorilla Zord transformed into its Warrior Mode. "Oh good, I was hoping to see the Gorilla Zord in this little shindig." Goldar stated "Allow me Green Ranger." Xavier requested "Go for it little buddy." I told him "Gold Gorilla Thunderbolt fire." Xavier commanded Suddenly, three fire balls shot out of the Gorilla's mouth hitting Cyclopsis straight on making it stagger back a bit. "Yes, that was a direct hit." I stated "Look, that attack didn't faze it at all." Adam mentioned "Time to feel the power of Cyclopsis." Goldar told us Suddenly, Cyclopsis then picks up the Megazord and flies it around before throwing to the ground near the rest of our Zords. "All right, I think it's time we try an old combo. Jason, disengage the Megazord." I told him "Right bro, Megazord disengage." Jason called out Suddenly, the Megazord disassemble back into the five Dino Zords. "Commence Dragon Zord Battle Mode transformation sequence now." I called out Just then, the Dragon Zord became the head and body, the Mastodon Zord became the arms while the Triceratops and Saber-Tooth Tiger Zords became the legs while the Dragon Zord's tail became the staff. "Dragon Zord Battle Mode online." Zack, Billy, Trini, and I called out together "All right Rangers, let's move in." Jason told us The Tyrannosaurus Dino Zord along with the Pterodactyl Dino Zord, Prehistoric Megazord, Sarcosuchus Dino Zord and Gorilla Zord began shooting a small storm like attack towards Cyclopsis. "Take that." Goldar stated Goldar then had Cyclopsis blow the storm back at them sending the Zords to the ground. "Oh man, he just blew that storm right back at us." Rocky stated "Hang on guys." Trini called out "Alright Goldar, let's see if Cyclopsis can dodge this." I stated as I push a couple of buttons Suddenly, Dragon Zord Battle Mode then fired its horn at it like a boomerang but Goldar manage to send it back at us causing us to stagger backwards. "This is almost too easy." Goldar stated Goldar then fired Cyclopsis's missiles at us again causing a direct hit as our Zord then falls to the ground. Goldar then had Cyclopsis stomp on the Dragon Zord Battle Mode trying to crush it. "Smash them." Rita ordered Goldar then kicks the Dragon Zord Battle Mode sending it further away near the other down Zords. Goldar then fired a couple of chains from Cyclopsis's body raising our Zords into the air and started sending electricity through the chains and shocking our Zords. "Oh man, he's shocking us." Rocky stated Goldar then sends our Zords back to the ground. "I hate those guys." Rita muttered "They're all down. Now to take them out." Goldar stated "Titanus." Zordon called out through our Communication channel Suddenly, we then see Titanus roll into the city blasting Cyclopsis sending him to the ground and its chains breaking off. "Rangers, power up the Ultrazords." Zordon told us through the Communication channel Suddenly, our Zords then stand back up with the system's power coming back online. "All systems back online." I stated "Yes." Kimberly cheered "Alright, Dragon Zord Battle Mode disengage." I called out Suddenly, the Dragon Zord Battle Mode disassembled and the five Dino Zords combined again to form the Megazord. "Initiating Ultrazord sequence." Jason called out Suddenly, the Dragon Zord then came apart and became the Shoulder Pads for the Megazord forming the Mega-Dragonzord. I then enter the main cockpit. "Ultrazord, power up." Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, Trini, and I all called out together Titanus then opens up its back as we then have the Mega-Dragonzord jump into the air and land inside the open hatch in the back of Titanus. "Ultrazord's powered up, and ready for action." Jason called out "Sarcosuchus Dino Zord, convert to Gator Mode now." Justin called out Suddenly, the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord converted back into its Gator Mode. "Prehistoric Ultrazord, begin transformation sequence now." Rocky called out Just then, a slot opened up on the back of the Sarcosuchus Dino Zord. Then the Prehistoric Megazord hopped into the slot. Then the legs turned into wheels completing the transformation. "Prehistoric Ultrazord, powered up and ready for action too." Rocky stated "All right then Rangers, let's show Cyclopsis some real fire power." Jason told us "ALL WEAPONS, LOCK ON AND FIRE!" We all commanded Suddenly, blasts fired out of both Titantus's mouth and arm cannons, while blasts fired out of the Ankylo's Drill, and Sarcosuchus's mouth. The combine blasts then hit Cyclopsis straight on. "My Zord, this is impossible." Goldar complained before teleporting out of Cyclopsis's cockpit Cyclopsis then falls down to the ground and exploded but its head still intact. "Yes." We all cheered "Right on." Kimberly stated "Why, you take that." Rita told them Rita then fires an energy beam down to the ground near the Gorilla Zord. Suddenly, the ground begins sinking trying to take the Gorilla Zord into the ground. "Oh no, the Gorilla Zord." Justin called out We then have our other Zords quickly go and try to pull it out of the sinking hole. "No." Rita cried out firing another beam this time hitting the other Zords Suddenly, a beam hits us causing us to lose our grip on the Gorilla Zord as it snicks to the ground. "Hahahahah!" Rita laughed out evilly "The Gorilla Zord it's gone, now what?" Adam questioned "I don't know, Adam." Rocky admitted "Come on, we better get back to the Command Center." I told them "Right, good idea Paul, let's move it Rangers." Jason instructed We then teleport our selves and our Zords out of the city with our Zords going back to their hiding places. After the Rangers, disappeared, Rita then appears on top of a building. "Hey, suckers, you're next. You will all suffer the same fate." Rita stated Rita then waved her hands in the air as the sky begins to darken and lighting strikes her Palace. "Phisa, disa misha, Lokar. I summon thee Lokar." Rita chanted Suddenly, Lokar's head appeared in the sky over the city. "You Lokar, shall be the final ingredient in my master plan. And what a beauty too." Rita stated Lokar grunted nodding its head in agreement. "With your power, I can recreate Cyclopsis and all the world is mine. So be it." Rita stated Rita then aimed her wand to the ground near Cyclopsis's head. Suddenly Cyclopsis is in the process of being put back together. "Take that." Rita stated through the Viewing Globe pointing her staff towards the ground in the city Suddenly with Lokar's help, we then see Cyclopsis rebuilt and with a slightly different look. "Lokar's out of control." Jason stated "It looks like, Rita's reconstructed Cyclopsis." Zack mentioned "Man, it was hard enough to defeat him before." Rocky pointed out "Yeah, how are we going to be able to defeat him a second time?" Adam wondered "Zordon, what are we going to do?" Kimberly questioned "Nothing, until your Zords are reenergized. Only then can you battle Lokar." Zordon told us "So, if we stop Lokar, we stop Rita and the others? Right Zordon?" Zack questioned "Yes Zack. Alpha is scanning the computer memory for more data on Lokar. It should provide a clue to help you defeat him." Zordon told us "I still can't believe that Rita destroyed the Gorilla Zord." Angela stated "I can't believe that we let her destroy it. Paul's father's old Zord." Kat stated "Actually, The Gorilla Zord wasn't destroyed." I revealed "It wasn't?" Justin inquired "Nope, it's a safety feature that my dad built into the Gorilla Zord. If it is in a situation like it was just in earlier. It automatically sends in a decoy to be switch in its place." I explained "Oh yeah, your dad mention that to us last year, back when you were under Rita's spell." Billy stated "That's right, but like the other Zords. It's going to need some time to be reenergize as well." I told them "Well, that's one good news out of all this so far." Trini stated I nodded in agreement. "Zordon, what about all the people?" Kat inquired "Yeah, have you been able to locate as to where they are being held at Zordon?" Aisha wondered "My sensors indicate that they are all safe, but out of reach in Rita's Dimensional Vortex." Zordon told us "We're their only hope." Jason muttered Jason looks on towards the rest of us as we nod our heads in agreement. "That is correct, Rangers. Because, if you lose this battle they will all be trapped in Rita's vortex forever." Zordon informed us We all look on towards each other worriedly. I then take out my dad's old Power Coin and look at it. 'Dad, I really wish you were still with us. We really could use your guidance right now.' I thought to myself