The channel primarily shows animated programming and was launched in the United Kingdom and Ireland as Cartoon Network Europe on 17 September 1993. The United Kingdom was the first country to have a Cartoon Network headquarters outside of the United States in 1993, serving Western Europe, but did not have a country specific version until 1999. This was even though until 1999, the pan-European version only showed British advertisements, and a majority of its audience were British. All programmes on the pan-European version were dubbed in English, with different audio language channels when a translated programme is available, which were indicated as language symbols on Now/Next bumpers. Cartoon Network UK also serves as the English language feed for Europe, which is also used by Malta. Cart
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| - Cartoon Network (UK & Ireland)
| - The channel primarily shows animated programming and was launched in the United Kingdom and Ireland as Cartoon Network Europe on 17 September 1993. The United Kingdom was the first country to have a Cartoon Network headquarters outside of the United States in 1993, serving Western Europe, but did not have a country specific version until 1999. This was even though until 1999, the pan-European version only showed British advertisements, and a majority of its audience were British. All programmes on the pan-European version were dubbed in English, with different audio language channels when a translated programme is available, which were indicated as language symbols on Now/Next bumpers. Cartoon Network UK also serves as the English language feed for Europe, which is also used by Malta. Cart
- Cartoon Network, commonly abbreviated as CN, is a British television channel available on Sky, Virgin Media,Smallworld Cable TalkTalk TV and UPC Ireland. Distributed by Turner Broadcasting System Europe (a semi-autonomous unit of Time Warner), The channel primarily shows animated programming and was launched in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland as Cartoon Network Europe on 17 September 1993.
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| - Cartoon Network, commonly abbreviated as CN, is a British television channel available on Sky, Virgin Media,Smallworld Cable TalkTalk TV and UPC Ireland. Distributed by Turner Broadcasting System Europe (a semi-autonomous unit of Time Warner), The channel primarily shows animated programming and was launched in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland as Cartoon Network Europe on 17 September 1993. The United Kingdom was the first country to have a Cartoon Network headquarters outside of the United States in 1993, serving Western Europe, but did not have a country specific version until 1999. This was even though until 1999, the pan-European version only showed British advertisements and a majority of its audience were British. Cartoon Network UK also serves as the English language feed for Europe, which is also used by Malta. Cartoon Network launched a high definition version of the channel on 14 September 2011.
- The channel primarily shows animated programming and was launched in the United Kingdom and Ireland as Cartoon Network Europe on 17 September 1993. The United Kingdom was the first country to have a Cartoon Network headquarters outside of the United States in 1993, serving Western Europe, but did not have a country specific version until 1999. This was even though until 1999, the pan-European version only showed British advertisements, and a majority of its audience were British. All programmes on the pan-European version were dubbed in English, with different audio language channels when a translated programme is available, which were indicated as language symbols on Now/Next bumpers. Cartoon Network UK also serves as the English language feed for Europe, which is also used by Malta. Cartoon Network launched a high definition version of the channel on 14 September 2011.