| - "Seems you didn't turn away...eh Sougetsu?" The man speaking was Sigma Ōtsutsuki. He'd been awaiting the day he'd collide with Sōgetsu, anxious to receive what was always rightfully his. "I just couldn't allow myself to let my previous item be passed around this rotten shinobi world. And now that I'm back, I'll be receiving both of them." Sōgetsu turned a red eye at Sigma, the once childish man, had no a single edge of smile on his face. His snow while hair, stopping at the top of his shoulders, reflected from the sun, literally looking as if it were to melt. Sōgetsu reached to his scabbard, pulling a blade from it and pointing it at Sigma. "I'll be able to do two things with this fight, which allowed me to not turn it down. One, keep a blade that was given to me. Two, put you back in the grave, where my brother should have left you both." Sōgetsu dropped the blade to the ground, and as it smashed the ground, a mini earthquake occurred. Shaking from where Sōgetsu stood extending to where Sigma was. Sigma chuckled, "Oh? Big words coming from snow like yourself." Lifting his head from the ground Sigma laughed even louder than before. "Very well then. I'll see if you dance as well as you talk." With a single hand sign, and opening his mouth, a straight line of wild flames hurled directly at Sōgetsu. Looking the technique directly on, Sōgetsu watch it as it got closer, flickering just above the technique watching as it continued down the path, taking down trees that stood in its path. Using his water walking ability, he ran down the path of flames. Just before reaching Sigma, he channeled lightning to his feet as well, and it connected to the flames grasping a hold of Sigma, paralyzing him. "Damn it, I wasn't expecting him to use such a tactic." As Sigma attempted to get control over his body, Sōgetsu vanished from atop of the flames, appearing behind Sigma. By this time, the blade was back in its sheath, and he pushed his right hand towards Sigma's back. As his hand connected with Sigma's back it was only enough to nudge him a bit. "Basic punches won't be enough." Using his free hand, Sōgetsu pushed against his right hand. Way of Water: Crashing River Flow." With that simple quote, a force of water flowed from his attacking hand into Sigma's back hurling him into the sky. "This won't be like back then..." The area was set, the deadly Mountain Forest. Two genin teams faced off against each other. One side, there was Team Shiga, consisting of Honey Senju, Tsuna Uchiha, and Sigma Uchiha. The other, Team Uzumaki consisting of Sougetsu, Shingi, and Rin Nara. Sōgetsu rushed towards Sigma, and with his Sharingan active, Sigma easily evaded each attack effectively. And when Sōgetsu's last punch was thrown, Sigma grabbed his arm, flung him over his shoulder and smashed him into the ground. Leaping into the air, Sigma straightened his feet driving them into Sōgetsu's stomach. "Hehe, I did pummel you in the exams didn't I." Sigma states, regaining control over himself, and landing to his feet. Sōgetsu rushed at Sigma once again, and the flickering flashback from the time they were exams continued to formulate in his mind. Sigma's own Sharingan took root. Swiping his hand across Sigma's face, Sigma's eyes followed the hand. "Got him." Sōgetsu suddenly stops his steps, preforms a half spin, coming around with his elbow, aiming for Sigma's face. Just as was near making contact, Sigma's head suddenly moved, and as it did, a holographic head emerged from his neck. Performing numerous back hand springs, Sigma created space between the two. "Finally Naidō...And how long will it be before that chakra is ready?" The holographic image was none other than Sigma's almighty spirit guide Naidō. "It's almost ready. She's preparing it as we speak. In the mean time, limit yourself to your Mangekyō only." Sigma turned at Naidō. "I never did like when you gave me orders." Sigma looked around his surroundings, Sōgetsu no where to be found.