| - It's almost explicit that Frank and company caused their blowout to trap them there. No reason, implicit or explicit, is ever given for this. In fact, Riff-Raff, who was almost certainly involved, seems downright irritated by their presence. Why the hell did they lure them in there?
* Obviously because they're innocents - who doesn't love corrupting the innocent?
* 'Cause Dr. Frankenfurter was horny and fed up with waiting for Rocky, so he decided he needed some company. And who better than a couple that was just engaged, at least one of them bisexual(In denial?)?
* This is Rocky Horror we're talking about. It goes better if you don't even try to make sense of it.
* It was all Frank's idea, and he did it for the lulz. What livens up a party more than getting a couple squares to revolutionize their perceptions of sexuality? Frank probably forced Riff Raff to get Brad and Janet there, and Riff Raff's annoyance about this is one of many contributing factors towards his rebellion against Frank.
* Er, this troper has never seen reason to believe Riff Raff, Frank N Furter, or anyone at the castle, had anything to do with Brad & Janet's car breaking down. Of course, she's only seen the movie, and not the play... so...
* "Well...how 'bout that." The look he gives the camera says it all.
* There's also the way he knew the problem was a flat tire before they told him.
* Seeing as we never really get to know much about how Transylvanians think, it might just be that they're doing what is considered 'culturally polite', although, it seems Riff Raff and Magenta disagree by the end... so, maybe, it's Frank's twisted take on societal norms?
* Uh, but, Brad has to back up to cause the tire damage, are we also now suggesting that Frank, and Riff Raff are precognitive?
* The road was blocked, which is why Brad had to back up. Hence, you only need to add the roadblock to the plan to make it work.
* Maybe Frank wasn't after Brad and Janet specifically; he just leaves sharp things on the road (or has a Tire Exploder Ray) in order to get new playthings from time to time.
* He wanted witnesses. I mean, it's hard enough for a person who isn't as self-absorbed and show-offy as him not to want as many people as possible to see him creating life. And on the side, he also thought they were both kinda hot and wanted to see what might come of it.
* My opinion? He eventually wanted Rocky to be full-brained. Brad and Janet were just a repeat of the Eddie and Columbia incident, albeit it didn't work out right.
* I don't think he'd want Rocky to be full-brained. If Rocky was full-brained, then he'd know of "[Franks'] plan", which is presumably to use Rocky as a living sex toy, and with the knowledge that his entire life is just to make love to a crazed alien transvestite and nothing more, I'm pretty Frank knew that Rocky'd get pissed. I think Frank just wanted some new partners to add to the gang of misfits, as I assume something very similar occured to Columbia and Eddie (Except on a motorbike, hehe).
* Stage Rocky really IS aware of these things, though; he has much more personality and what seems like full awareness of his situation despite being "half-brained". So in that scenario, this theory could work.
* It is quite possible that the minister of the wedding and his assistants knew what was going on between Brad and Janet and where they planned to go, and merely diverted them.
* User:Mac Phisto read a fanfic where Ralph & Betty were the original targets (which is why they were at the wedding in-disguise), but after witnessing Brad proclaim his love for Janet, they changed their minds in wanting someone even more "innocent".
* Right before they come to the road block that forces Brad to back up and blow out the tire, a motorcyclist (who is implied to be a Transylvanian,I think, since they all appeared to have arrived on motorcycle) comes whipping by them coming from the direction that is blocked off. Janet, as I recall, even wonders where the motorcyclist could have come from if the road was blocked off. Frank's castle was the only civilization for miles. It was a trap. Probably not for Brad and Janet in particular, and they may not have been the first victims of it.