The Anti-Imagination Fish-Slapping Reformitory School was an unconstitutional institution designed to work the spirits out of young creatures, draining them in both mind and body, until they are a sad shell of a character who lacks any creativity or fun in their meaningless life. The purpose of the facility is, in short, to break detainees and strip them of any creativity, merriment, and imagination. It was located in a former Khanzem Concentrate Camp, and according to insiders, was barely changed to accomadate its new victims.
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| - Anti-Imagination Fish-Slapping Reformitory School
| - The Anti-Imagination Fish-Slapping Reformitory School was an unconstitutional institution designed to work the spirits out of young creatures, draining them in both mind and body, until they are a sad shell of a character who lacks any creativity or fun in their meaningless life. The purpose of the facility is, in short, to break detainees and strip them of any creativity, merriment, and imagination. It was located in a former Khanzem Concentrate Camp, and according to insiders, was barely changed to accomadate its new victims.
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| - Guarenteed to suck the spirit right ouf of you, or your money back!
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| - The Anti-Imagination Fish-Slapping Reformitory School was an unconstitutional institution designed to work the spirits out of young creatures, draining them in both mind and body, until they are a sad shell of a character who lacks any creativity or fun in their meaningless life. The purpose of the facility is, in short, to break detainees and strip them of any creativity, merriment, and imagination. It was located in a former Khanzem Concentrate Camp, and according to insiders, was barely changed to accomadate its new victims. Managed by Ronald Fish-Slapper from 1994 until his death in 2009, this prison has been a endless subject for creatures' rights and public outcry. This was finally fullfilled when Ronald died, as Mayor McFlapp unleashed a series of destructive lawsuits against the new owners of the institute (who really didn't care much for it, either). The owners gladly handed the property to McFlapp and Director Benny, who proceeded to (literally) burn it to the ground and dance on its ashes.