The series revolves around Mike Fukanaga, the main protagonist, and his friends, Owen and Amanda. After the death of his grandfather, Mike is given a mysterious letter which leads him to discover that he comes from a long line of ninjas. With Owen, and later Amanda, they are ushered into the world of crime-fighting, forming the team "Supah Ninjas". They are trained with a hologram of Mike's grandfather, whom Owen refers to as "Hologramps" in Empire City.
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| - The series revolves around Mike Fukanaga, the main protagonist, and his friends, Owen and Amanda. After the death of his grandfather, Mike is given a mysterious letter which leads him to discover that he comes from a long line of ninjas. With Owen, and later Amanda, they are ushered into the world of crime-fighting, forming the team "Supah Ninjas". They are trained with a hologram of Mike's grandfather, whom Owen refers to as "Hologramps" in Empire City.
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| - The series revolves around Mike Fukanaga, the main protagonist, and his friends, Owen and Amanda. After the death of his grandfather, Mike is given a mysterious letter which leads him to discover that he comes from a long line of ninjas. With Owen, and later Amanda, they are ushered into the world of crime-fighting, forming the team "Supah Ninjas". They are trained with a hologram of Mike's grandfather, whom Owen refers to as "Hologramps" in Empire City.