| - Inspired by the awesome universe that is the Star Control series. Take part as either the Alliance, a group of rebels who attempt the overthrow their slave lords. Or as the Hierarchy, lead by the Ur-Quan they seek to retain their hold over the Alliance. Alliance Nations:Chmmr(Also has Chenjetsu and Mmrnmhrm ships)Humans(Also has Arilou and Syreen ships)PkunkOrz(Also has Androsynth chips)ZoqFotPikThraddashUtwig(Also has Supok ships)Zeep-Zeep(Rebel Yehat with Shofixti ships) Hierarchy Nations:Ur-QuanUmgahIlwrathSpathiVuxMyconVeep-Neep(Loyalist Yehat) Solo Nations(should be played by A.I.)Kor-AhDruugeSlylandro Each nation here(except the Slylandro) has 1 Victory City at their capital. Either side will need 14 VCs to win. Space: This is a faction I put in for the sake of getting that A.I. to actually expand, without the space faction the A.I. would only attack player owned tiles. I would suggest you set this faction to Does Nothing A.I. Some Notes:This map does not work like other space maps in that every tile is a land tile and there are no naval units, all ships are simply land units (except 2 air units). Some nations start with ships that they are not able to build again. The Ur-Quan start with a unit called the Sa-Matra, the Humas get the Vindicator, Vux get Admiral ZEX and Slylandro get Melnorme Traders. Use these units very wisely, they are quite strong. A few nations are in a very rough spot and can be(almost expect to be) crippled or conquered early. These nations are the ZoqFotPik, Humans, Orz, Vux, Zeep-Zeep, and Veep-Neep. These nations are by no means useless and can become very strong with good expansions but they will take a but more skill than other nations. As mentioned above the Kor-Ah, Druuge, and Slylandro are each on their own. This means they will attack anyone and everyone who comes near them. However the Kor-Ah and Druuge capitals are counted towards the 14 VCs you need for a win so consider conquering them if able.