| - Yes... Porto Capital - or just PC, if you want so. A tropical nation with gorgeous beaches, sun every time of the year, and people with unusual name-surname combinations... Or is it? Anyway, here's the Tech Area for the People's Republic of Porto Capital. Everything you possibly didn't want to know about the country is here. Handle with care. Avoid eye contact. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional - or not - and purely coincidental - or not. If ingested, do not induce vomiting. If symptoms persist, consult a physician. No salt, artificial colouring or flavouring added. Does not contain gluten.
| - Yes... Porto Capital - or just PC, if you want so. A tropical nation with gorgeous beaches, sun every time of the year, and people with unusual name-surname combinations... Or is it? Anyway, here's the Tech Area for the People's Republic of Porto Capital. Everything you possibly didn't want to know about the country is here. Handle with care. Avoid eye contact. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional - or not - and purely coincidental - or not. If ingested, do not induce vomiting. If symptoms persist, consult a physician. No salt, artificial colouring or flavouring added. Does not contain gluten. But, above all, enjoy it! - by Carlos Augusto Straczysnki
* How it came to be - How did I discovered Vexillium and decided to play as Porto Capital.
* Not Just a Banana Republic - How I developed PC from the usual Latin American country into the multi-cultural heartland of a former Islamic empire
* Commies or not? - You're a People's Republic. And then...?
* The many, many languages of Porto Capital - And how they came, came to existance.
* Etymologies - Where does "Porto Capital" comes from? What's a Belo Quinto? Who's Renato Russo?
* The Weird History of Northern Melania - Also known as "Oh, heavens, why did I have to choose this territory". Image:Techsign.gif Image:Flag-portocapital.gif This Tech article is part of theOn Porto Capital Series I - How it came to be | II - Not Just a Banana Republic | III - Commies or not? IV - The many, many languages of Porto Capital | V - Etymologies VI - The Weird History of Northern Melania