Crystal Ring (クリスタルリング Kurisutaruringu?) – ulepszenia dla Sonica, pojawiające się grach Sonic Adventure i Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. Jest to niebieska bransoleta, noszona przez jeża na prawej ręce.
The Crystal Ring (クリスタルリング Kurisutaruringu?) is an optional Level Up Item in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. It becomes available after Sonic gets the Light Speed Shoes.
El Crystal Ring (クリスタルリング Kurisutaruringu?) es una opción de actualización en Sonic Adventure y su remake Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. Se vuelve después de Sonic obtiene los Light Speed Shoes.
Crystal Ring is a piece of armor that can be equipped by Knights, Ninjas and Masters. It provides +5 Agility, and resistances to Sleep and Paralyze. It can be found in the Lifespring Grotto.
The Crystal Ring is a ring-type weapon used by Ruby in Dark Cloud.
Crystal Rings are sometimes found in chests in the Ice Dungeon, Ant Cave, and Aborek. One can give a Crystal Ring to Diamonique at the Gem Shop in Marali for 500 experience points.