| - Sovani-oriented otachi.
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- --Cry of the Watts rioters, 1965 Belial, Calabite Demon Prince of Fire, was once one of Gabriel's most gifted lieutenants. Lucifer handed the newly-fallen and still-crazed Belial his master's Word. Belial promptly went completely off the deep end, and shook Gabriel's grip on sanity in the process. Fire is a truly primal Word, and Belial wields immense power.
- Belial (בליעל; ベリアル, Beriaru;lit. "lacking worth") is a powerful Daemon, currently residing in the Human World. Once considered a dreaded force of lustful destruction, roaming the vastness of Hell in search of a means to escape permanently to the Human World, she was bound to his will by the being known as Nanashi, who by unknown means, managed to "rip" out her epithet from her memory, promising to return it once she helped him fulfill his goals. As such she is now his most trusted companion, willing to go to any lengths to carry out his will, even going as far as to agreeing to work alongside Hollows, as long it helps her get her epithet back.
- Belials are enemies in Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention and Resurrection of the Dark Dragon
- Belial is a Bullet Ant that works for the S.A.F. ... He is Yamata Chi Hornet's second-in-command and is a high-ranking and dangerous agent.
- Belial was the primary star of the Belial system.
- Belial.
- In Super Ghouls n' Ghosts Belial are the skull wagons with flames found in 1:2. After a earth tremor the Belial will roll down sloped ground to the lowest point or off a cliff. The earthquakes are trigger by where the player arrives on the stage. They do not take damage from Arthur's attacks.
- -Belial au Héros Belial, le Seigneur du Mensonge, est l'un des Démons Inférieurs, faisant partie des Grands Démons des Enfers Ardents. Bien qu'avec Asmodan il exila les Trois Démons Primordiaux sur Sanctuaire, une guerre civile et fratricide éclata entre les deux Démons Inférieurs pour le contrôle des Enfers Ardents. Belial rapidement perdit la guerre au bout de 20 ans et on ne sait pas s'il s'est par la suite soumis à Asmodan. Il est le principal ennemi de la première moitié de Diablo III, prenant le contrôle du Kehjistan et utilisant la Cabale afin de répandre sa volonté jusqu'à la Nouvelle-Tristram.
- As with all of the Great Evils, Belial was spawned from one of the seven heads of Tathamet. He lorded over the Realm of Lies in Hell.
- Belial was the kindhearted Dragon who was enslaved by the evil sorcerer Beldor. He is fought several times, as he is being controlled by Beldor's magic. However, when not enslaved, he is rather passive, showing no desire to engage in combat. As a boss, Belial will attack by attempting to swallow the player, making debris fall from the sky or ceiling, or by regurgitating a large ball of debris that bounces across the playing field. He is sometimes paired with Beldor, which proves to make the battle far more difficult than when the dragon is by himself.
- Zettelte im Himmel einen Aufstand wegen den vielen Verbannungen von Engeln an und wurde dann ebenfalls als Gefallene gebrandmarkt und von Luzifer aufgenommen. Sie war es auch, die die Wiedergeburt Squalls als neuen Lucifer bewerkstelligte.
- Belial the Ram is the afreet who guards the "Sigil of Wiseness".
- Belial (ベリアル Beriaru) is a character of the Luck & Logic anime. It is one of the demon gods invading Septpia.
- The Belial is a ballistic-focused version of the Uziel Medium 'Mech, not suffering as badly from overheating issues and carrying an alternating Pulse Laser to back up the twin Gauss Rifles it brings to the fight. It weighs in at 50 tons, and travels faster then any other Medium BattleMech, with a max speed of 35 mph.
- Belial (formerly Zarlox) is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
- Belial is the name of a demon on the Black Isle in Ireland. Lara reads the name from the Bestiary.
- Season(s) Species Status Title/Alias Occupation Affiliation Family Portrayed by Belial was one of the Crowned Princes of Hell that was almost summoned by Constance Ball using a spell from the Necronomicon.
- Belial (ベリアル, Beriaru) is a defender for Makai Gundan Z.
- The archdevil Belial (pronounced bee-LIE-uhl) rules over his layer of Hell, the burning forges of Phlegethon.
- Belial is a level in The Deeper Dungeons expansion of Dungeon Keeper. Although it is map number 92 (11th in order), it is the last listed Deeper Dungeon, and serves as the final level of the expansion pack.
- Belial is the final boss of SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix.
- Belial (ベリアル, Beriaru)? is a demon in the series.
- The Belial are one of the three Vampire bloodlines mentioned in Vampireology.
- Belial (ベリアル Beriaru) is Mephisto Pheles' personal butler.
- Belial: Angel with power to transform into anything, it is believed that it will be the beast of the apocalypse, he also is responsible for the folly, arrogance and 7 deadly sins, He belonged to the order of Thrones.
- Belial war, neben den anderen Übeln, Teil des Aufstandes, der die Großen Übel ins Dunkle Exil schicken sollte. Die Verschwörer nahmen fälschlicherweise an, Diablo und seine Brüder hätten während des Ewigen Krieges zu lange gezögert. Nach der Verbannung der Großen Übel, herrschte Belial über die eine Hälfte der Höllen, während Azmodan die andere Hälfte befehligte. File:Placeholder
- Belial is a Sarrin-character inspired by the figure in Paradise Lost. In Milton's great work, Belial is one of the original fallen angels, a cowardly and slothful figure who is enormously persuasive and smooth-talking.
- Belial is the working partner of Scythe Riebaure, as well as his romantic partner, who would often feast on her blood to crave his hunger. Like him, she has control over the fabric of space as well, but hers is more powerful, and she's described as having a complete mastery over it. She is able to create space, and can even destroy it at will. She has also apparently been around for a very long time, as she implies having seen many wars over the ages. Despite her affiliation with the Brionac Force, she is not an official member.
- It was in geosynchronous orbit with Moloch, connected by a single trisilicate fiber called the Bridge. A toroidal space elevator called the Lift moved along the Bridge with the fluctuations of Lucifer's magnetic field to generate power. The Pit passed straight through the center, with Eden's Belial Base on one side and the Bridge terminus on the other. A path spiraled around the Pit, and when someone slid down it, they were somehow turned around at the center of the moon. Branching off the Pit were hundreds of tunnels filled with strange artifacts and machinery. In the center was the Mushroom Farm, housing the controls for the system. The two moons worked together to modify morphic fields. This technology was constructed by the Angels millions of years before the humans arrived.
- } <default><b>Nombre</b></default> Puntos de Poder Otros perfiles[/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] [/index.php?title=project:&useskin=wikiamobile ] [[project:|(App)]] Belial M HA HP F R H A L S Oficial M HA HP F R H A L S Equipo Armas Bólter Pistola bólter Bólter de asalto Granada Frag Granada Perforante Espada sierra Espada de energía Puño de combate Arma 1 Arma 2 Arma 3 Arma 4 Arma 5 Arma 6 Arma 7 Arma 8 Arma 9 Arma 10 <default><b>Reglas</b></default> Tipo de unidad Miniaturas adicionales Tamaño de unidad Opciones Habilidades Psíquico Reglas especiales Keywords de Facción Keywords de Unidad
- Belial is also called Balhor or Beliel. His name according to some authors means "corrupt gains." In the Middle Ages he was considered one of the princes of Hell and therefore one of the potential heirs to great throne of hell. It was once an angel, possibly a cherub, who followed Lucifer in his rebellion and finally fell with him and the rest of his followers, transmutation themselves into a demon.
- Hoch gewachsen und von unüberzogener, stolzer Haltung erblickt man einen Mann mittleren Alters mit blonden Haaren und blauen Augen. Eine feine Narbe ziert seine Unterlippe und endet unter eben dieser. Die Haut des Mannes verweist auf allerlei ehemaligen Verwundungen und harte Arbeit, kennt wohl Dreck und Blut. So ist der Gesichtsausdruck einer, der von Erfahrungen jenseits der Friedenszeiten sprechen könnte. Eine furchige Stirn von der mal abgesehen man gut ein sachtes Mundwinkel heben im ganzen Gesicht erkennt wenn es die Situation hergibt. Hals und Nackenpartie sind erste Merkmale von Feldarbeit und der durchaus ernsten Tätigkeit von Kampf und Gewalt. So scheint es sich auch mit dem Rest des Körpers zu verhalten. Seine Stimme ist kräftig, der Klang der Worte hart und dem Nördlichen König
- The semi-Feudal World of Bregundia is ruled by a number of knightly orders called Societies, and it was into the nobility of the Society of the Ebon Star that Belial was born. Son of the Society's Magister Militum, Belial was destined from birth to be a warrior and a leader and was raised accordingly. He learned to wield a sword as soon as he was able to lift one, and into his young mind were poured all the principles of Bregundian chivalry, military strategy and the precepts of command. As a recruiting world for the Sons of the Lion, Bregundia is visited by the Chaplains of the Dark Angels every few decades so that they might pick the most prominent and skilled knightly aspirants and squires for testing. Such an event happened shortly after Belial's seventeenth birthday (the equivalent of
- Belial is also called Balhor or Beliel. His name according to some authors means "corrupt gains." In the Middle Ages he was considered one of the princes of Hell and therefore one of the potential heirs to great throne of hell. It was once an angel, possibly a cherub, who followed Lucifer in his rebellion and finally fell with him and the rest of his followers, transmutating themselves into a demon.
- In name, Fierna rules Phlegethos, commanding the fiery layer from her palace of rock and magma. In truth, her father, Belial, is the power behind the throne. Sequestered away in the central Hall of One Thousand Sighs and Screams, he advises his daughter in the arts of love and pain, taking a personal hand in ensuring she learns all there is to know. Up until now, the situation suited Fierna just fine. But thanks to her flowering relationship with Glasya, she has become more interested in taking Phlegethos in more than just name. No longer is she content to sit idly by and let her father make the decisions. She has even cultivated a few cults on the Prime Material Plane. Fierna's newfound ambition concerns Belial, but he has other worries. He had been assembling armies to invade the fifth a
- Belial Weaver of lies. A being so powerful that when combined with the other 6 demon lords could bring about the end of mankind. Kept in check The great binding that all demons must participate in when entering the human plane of existence from their own chaotic dimension. Belial has fused with many different hosts over time with the current host being a young unkempt street urchin who by chance absorbed the spirit of belial through a series of unfortunate event's. Initially the host of belial was intended to be the government dog, but after his botched performance he ended up playing into a flute with enough intensity to deflect the soul of Belial into the nearby crowd and down the throat of a young hoodlum who had been laughing at the time. Thus Belial was torn from his Idealic life corr