| - "My last stage alone with myself."
In this song, it shows the same girl, scared of reality, and paranoid. It is hinted that she is suicidal. The girl cries out for help, like a child, but no one came to her aid, pretending not to hear. The girl wants people to laugh and play with, and she wants to change herself, but is too afraid to. When the person asked for her to try a smile, she "stabbed at him, annoyed". The person still cheered her on, although she heard lies instead of the encouragement she was receiving. She says that "I was done in by self-loathing; I had my ears plugged all the while". Sometime later, the person leaves, and the girl wishes that they could have talked more. She reaches her "Last Stage", but runs away, frightened. No one is with her and she is all alone, breaking down her walls by herself.
This song is the more popular of the two, with over 350,000 views.
- "My last stage together with you."
This song describes a cold girl, afraid and alone, who hates to see others smile because she is so sad. One day, someone asked her if she could try a smile, although she refused the person's offer, saying that there was a huge wall in the way so she couldn't hear him. She continued living in misery until the person gave her a huge sword, at which she felt as though she could win everything. She and the person join together, completing "Stages" and knocking down walls, each one bigger than the last. She and the person come to the "Last Stage" where they face their final foe. She remembers the time when she was alone and decides running won't change a thing. She defeats the foe and knocks down the biggest wall, completing their "Last Stage".
This song currently has over 120,000 views.