| - Stickman and Cube is a Stick Figure Comic by User:Pieguy 259. It's a gag strip with not much in the way of a plot, though small storylines do crop up here and there. The plot, where it exists, involve the two title characters, who are, surprisingly, a stickman and a cube, breaking the fourth wall, running amok, insulting the author and occasionally doing battle with the two main villains: Robo-Cube, Cube's psychotic robot duplicate intent on destroying humanity, and The Hat, an ugly parasitic hat which can control its wearer's mind.
| - Stickman and Cube is a Stick Figure Comic by User:Pieguy 259. It's a gag strip with not much in the way of a plot, though small storylines do crop up here and there. The plot, where it exists, involve the two title characters, who are, surprisingly, a stickman and a cube, breaking the fourth wall, running amok, insulting the author and occasionally doing battle with the two main villains: Robo-Cube, Cube's psychotic robot duplicate intent on destroying humanity, and The Hat, an ugly parasitic hat which can control its wearer's mind.
* Anvil on Head: Weights of various sizes.
* Arc Words: Parodied/subverted with "potato salad".
* Author Guest Spot
* Beat Panel: Many.
* Better Than a Bare Bulb: Very, very much so.
* Bishie Sparkle: Parodied.
* Bishonen: Also parodied.
* Brick Joke: Several.
* B Side Comics: "The Adventures Of Captain Invisible" and "Cube's Past Jobs".
* Cerebus Syndrome: Parodied/lampshaded.
* Character Title: Later subverted, though that was a gag. Probably.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Cube has his moments.
* Darker and Edgier: Parodied.
* Deadpan Snarker: Stickman.
* The Ditz: Cube.
* Either or Title
* Exactly What It Says on the Tin
* Filler Strips: Also parodied.
* Flash Back Back Back: Parodied.
* Fourth Wall Mail Slot
* Genre Savvy
* How the Character Stole Christmas: Christmas 2009, with How The Cube Stole Christmas, and then parodied soon after with How The Gronch Stole Boxing Day.
* In Which a Trope Is Described: here
* Lampshade Hanging: Many.
* The Merch: Parodied.
* Name and Name
* No Fourth Wall
* OTP: Parodied.
* Puff of Logic: The "Cube Disappears" arc, in which Cube questions how a three-dimensional cube could exist in a two-dimensional universe, causing him to disappear.
* Puppeteer Parasite: The Hat.
* Rage Against the Heavens / Rage Against the Author: "Draw. Some. GODDAMN. SNOW."
* Rule of Funny: Actually one of its universal laws.
* The Slow Path: Everyone but the main characters, at one point.
* Spoof Aesop
* Spot the Imposter: Robo-Cube tries to pull this. It doesn't work.
* Stable Time Loop
* Stick Figure Comic: Plus one cube.
* Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: You will groan at this, and not even know why. Hint: It's an Incredibly Lame Pun on the word "Tropers".
* This Trope Is Bleep
* Trope Name
* Villain Team-Up: Robo-Cube and The Hat.