| - Throughout the years, Alderaan was said to be “Shining Star” of the core worlds. It was a place where peace and beauty were the common preoccupations, and art and learning were the popular pastimes. Alderaan was indeed unique and one would have to travel long and far to even find a planet remotely similar to her. But, beneath her beauty lied a past shrouded in darkness. Many of the galaxy’s worst nightmares were born on Alderaan, such as the many members of the Qel-Droma family that turned to the Dark Side, enslaving themselves within the Ancient Sith Empire. But, with every shred of darkness, a glimpse of hope shined through. Ussej Padric Bac, a man who disappeared long ago, was born on Alderaan before becoming part of the great Jedi Order. Alderaan was home to one of the founding members of the Old Republic charter. After the Unification Wars, Emperor Organa of Alderaan was one of the men who signed the peace treaty, thus giving birth to the Old Republic charter. But, the Old Republic eventually rotted and gave way to Emperor Palpatine’s New Order. Alderaan had strongly opposed the Military Creation Act, but the planet as a whole remained loyal to the Old Republic during the Clone Wars. As a sign of good will, Alderaan permitted refugees and exiles from worlds occupied by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, thus being one of the main worlds in the Refugee Relief Movement. Once the Clone Wars ended, Alderaan dismantled it’s weapons and military as a show of good will towards the Emperor and his Clone Army. But, shortly after, anti-Imperial protests plagued the planet, therefore giving weight to Emperor Palpatine’s claims that the House of Organa was not all that it seemed. When the Alliance to Restore the Republic was formed, many Alderaanians volunteered to sacrifice their lives for the sake of preserving democracy and freedom in the galaxy. Leaders such as Bail Organa and Mon Mothma took this as a sign of what the future might hold for the Alliance. The sun rose gently over the shimmering Lake Aldera at the edge of the University of Alderaan, casting an early morning light on the glistening towers of the Alderaan Palace. Beings of this world would flock to the area just to catch a glimpse of the sun rising over Lake Aldera, as it’s beauty truly was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many. All of this was being observed from the highest tower of the Alderaan Palace. Viceroy Bail Organa, former Senator of Alderaan, also admired the beauty of the surroundings. He saw it everyday, yet everyday he found something new to admire whether it be the way the sun rose or the reaction of the people. He had woken up a few hours before, just as he did every morning, leaving his beloved wife Breha Organa, Queen of Alderaan, asleep in their bed. The walls of the palace were filled with memories of the Houses of Organa and Antilles. He sat upon the balcony, praying to the Force to keep the planet safe from the Galactic Empire for yet another day. He knew Breha would be their soon, just as she was every morning. They held the same routine for years, but neither of them ever tired from it. A small smile crept upon his face as he could hear her approaching. Before the sleep had been completely wiped from her eyes, Breha had dressed in a soft ceremonial robe and stepped onto the balcony. Her dark hair was tinged with white streaks and the once young face began showing lines. Still, the beauty held with her all of these years. It was within the eyes that her strength and love for her people burned brightly. She saw Bail, her one true love, sitting on the balcony has he had for the last few mornings, seemingly worried about something. She had grown a lot spiritually and mentally since she met him. The grounding she needed was here...on Alderaan...with Bail and their daughter Leia, the Princess of Alderaan. She moved to her husband’s side, smiling. Her smile to him was radiant as he leaned in to hiss her one true love. “You woke early again,” she said, comforting him. “What’s wrong? Tell me, I want to help you.” He smiled, returning her kiss. “It’s nothing,” he lied. His lying about his feelings had become more frequent recently, as the pain of knowing something was wrong was too strong to share with another person...especially the woman he loved. But, she did not want to avoid the pain. She wanted to share in it and work through it as husband and wife, not ignore it like total strangers. “If we can’t be honest with each other now...after twenty years...when will we ever be able to tell each other the truth?” He did not want to tell her what he was feeling about the future, but he knew better than to keep anything from her. “Something is coming. I don’t know what it is, but in my thoughts and in my dreams I can see that a storm is coming. I don’t know what the storm symbolizes, but we must all be ready for what is to come.” He turned back and looked out at the snow-capped mountains, wondering at what is to come. A single storm cloud sat in the distance, possibly symbolizing the coming struggle. The shimmering blue-white planet of Alderaan emerged from a total eclipse, her moons glowing against the shimmering darkness that was space and time. Small clouds moved across her surface as if they were podracers on their final lap. A shadow was cast over the glowing gem as a tiny silver spacecraft, the Tantive IV, raced through space. The ship fired at an unknown object...the one that was casting the shadow over the planet. The shadow was that of the Imperial Star Destroyer Avenger, the Star Destroyer leading the Omega Fleet. The Avenger had been pursuing the tiny spacecraft for hours until finally the vessel led the Empire exactly where they wanted to be: Alderaan. Within the sleek royal vessel, Captain Raymus Antilles, cousin of the Queen of Alderaan, sat at the controls, piloting the vessel as fast as he could towards the surface of the magnificent world. But, it appeared as if they would never make it home. Hundreds if not thousands of deadly laser bolts constantly emerged from the Imperial Star Destroyer, causing the tiny ship more damaged than it could bare. An explosion rocked the interior of the tiny starship as two robots, Artoo Detoo and See Threepio, struggled to make their way through the shaking, bouncing passageways. Both robots were old and battered, obviously having seen a fair share of action while being in service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Artoo was a short, domed droid with every utility a man could think of. His face was a mass of computer lights surrounding a radar eye. Threepio, on the other hand, was a tall and slender android of human proportions. He had a gleaming bronze-like metallic surface of an Art Deco design, one of the many designs made popular by Alderaanian artists. Another sudden blast caused the protocol droid to fall forward, but he quickly caught himself on the wall. He looked around, hoping to find a safe haven. If his face could show expression, it would have been one of nervousness and anxiousness to return home. “Did you hear that?” the protocol droid asked his companion. “They’ve knocked out the main sensor grid. We’ll be destroyed for sure!” A beeping was heard, causing the two droids to stop in their tracks. “What’s that?” the protocol droid asked. A voice, that of Captain Antilles, was projected like a bolt of lightning through the ships corridors. Crew members stopped, hoping to hear the good captain tell them that it was all over. But, of course, they knew that would not happen. “All hands,” the captain stated. “Prepare for emergency landing.” The tiny starship entered the atmosphere of Alderaan. The ship, after losing it’s heat shielding systems, began to break up. On the downbeat, atmospheric drag fins deployed outwards; the pilot tweaked their angles and cycled them in and out in an attempt to slow the vessel’s descent without burning up altogether. Their contrabass roared took on a punctuated rhythm like a heart that skipped a beat. The tactical officer attempted to delay the Star Destroyer’s pursuit, but the small vessel’s systems were too badly damaged in the chase that the weapons began firing in random directions. Captain Antilles, being an experienced pilot, stroked the vessel onto the correct course and they headed for a field just outside the capitol city. Like a great symphony, the ships systems began to communicate with each other once again and the lush green fields appeared before them. The ship gracefully landed in the field, seemingly safe. But, unbeknownst to the majority of the crew, a small Imperial Attack Cruise, reminiscent of the Old Republic Attack Cruisers used frequently during the Clone Wars, had just descended from the belly of the Avenger and had begun it’s descent towards their very position. The droids scurried along the passageway towards the Droid Holding Area to find the bodies of soldiers that were killed at their posts. But, Threepio is pleased that they survived nonetheless. “Finally,” the protocol droid shouted, seemingly happy. “We’ve finally outrun those Imperial murderers!” A deep, low hum rumbled over the structure of the Tantive IV, forcing the entire crew to cover their ears in almost pain. The sound, so loud, muted the screams and cries for help coming from throughout the ship. Threepio, unaffected by the noise, stopped for a moment. “What...what is that?” The noise was that of the Imperial Attack Cruiser Liberty. It landed directly beside the Alderaanian vessel. Imperial Stormtroopers stood ready on the platform as it lowered down to the ground below. As they were lowering to the ground, the Alderaanian crew rushed past the droids and they too made their way out of the vessel. Captain Antilles rushed down the corridor, making sure every last crewmember alive made it off of the vessel. Threepio saw the captain running towards him. He waved his arms, signaling Antilles to stop. “Oh, Captain Antilles!” Threepio shouted. “Captain Antilles! What do we do?” The captain stopped, sensing the worry coming from the droid that had been in his service for quite some time. He did not have any good way of telling the droid this, but he had to. “Every man...or droid...for himself.” The captain quickly turned, running down the platform. Threepio turned to his companion and stared at him for a moment. He looked up, seeing the troops running for safety. “We’re doomed,” the golden droid said finally. “We’re doomed...” As the crew attempted to run towards the capitol city for safety, the Stormtroopers quickly spotted them and attempted to move the battle directly into the heart of Aldera. Citizens flocked to their balconies in an attempt to figure out what was happening, but they soon moved back indoors as the Imperial garrisons rolled in. The bridge of the attack cruiser Liberty bustled with activity as the battle truly began. Lights flashed and alarms sounded, but the Imperial crew remained focused on the task at hand. The door of the bridge slid open, revealing the imposing figure of Starkiller, the Dark Commander of Darth Vader’s Lettow Guardians. The dark commander moved to the window, witnessing the battle for himself. Starkiller, tall and muscular, had a shady past. No one knew where he came from, for not even he knew where he came from. He was unable to remember anything before he became part of the Dark Guardians of the Lettow, but the Dark Lords of the Sith told him that he had suffered severe head injuries when the Jedi tried to destroy his world. Thus, the dark commander held a hatred for any who belonged to that long dead order, or anyone who chose to support it. He had nothing to comfort him now, other than the heat of battle. That is why he had chosen this assignment....that is why he chose any assignment that involved bloodshed and panic. “Private,” the dark one yelled. “Signal Lord Vader on the Avenger. The battle has begun....” The Imperial Private saluted his commander. “Aye, sir.” Turning back to his console, a message was sent to the Dark Apprentice of the Sith signaling him to arrive on the surface for a full interrogation of the Alderaanian Viceroy. The Dark Commander turned back to the window, smiling as the Imperial troops quickly overwhelmed any and all resistance Alderaan had to offer. He wished to join in the fray, but knew that Darth Vader would have his head if he went in before him. Starkiller was a phenomenal warrior and leader, one of the best the Empire had to offer. His belief was that war made one and hiding in the shadows only led to death. Believing that negotiation and diplomacy was for the weak and cowardly, he would fight until the bitter end. If he was to be a lone warrior facing an army of thousands, the battle would not end until his head was served on a silver platter. Although he was a Dark Commander within the Lettow, one of only two in the entire order, as well as a General in the Grand Army of the Empire and a member of the Imperial Council, there were still times that he wished he could be a young boy on his homeworld...whatever that world was. He could remember small flashes of his life before the Lettow, such as the day he saw bodies lying all around him. A black gloved hand had reached for him and the young Starkiller held on as long as he could. When the smoke cleared around him, he finally saw the face of the man who had saved his life: Anakin Skywalker...the Chosen One. The Jedi Knight carried him to safety and stayed with him just to be sure that he was safe. When the Republic left, so did Anakin Skywalker. The young Starkiller begged him to stay, telling him that he no longer had a family to be with. The Chosen One told him that one day he would return to see him....he never returned. Even though Anakin Skywalker had left, the Jedi Knight had always remained a sort of father figure to the young Starkiller. But, then the news came: the Jedi were destroyed. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, severely disfigured from an assassination attempt made by Jedi Master Mace Windu, dissolved the Galactic Republic and instituted a new order: the Galactic Empire. Then, more news came: Darth Vader, the new apprentice of the elusive Darth Sidious, was searching the galaxy for a group of semi-Force sensitive beings to recruit into a secret order of guards. Darth Vader, searching for a runaway Jedi, came to Starkiller’s world and found the young boy. He took Starkiller under his wing and trained him personally until the day he made him his Dark Commander. Ever since the day he left his homeworld, unable to remember most of his youth, Darth Vader had become a new father figure to him. Unbeknownst to the new Commander Starkiller, Darth Vader had already been a father figure to him....going by the name of Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One. Under his new master’s training, Starkiller learned to hate the Jedi Order, except for one: Anakin Skywalker. The man who saved his life had always remained a figure of importance in the back of his mind. He also learned the startling truth: the Clone Wars were orchestrated by the Dark Lord of the Sith. Even more frightening, it was revealed to him that Darth Sidious was none other than Emperor Palpatine himself, the beloved leader of the new order. As the Galactic Civil War broke out, Starkiller was taught to love war and live by its teachings. He was given more and more assignments until the day he was finally given the rank he deserved: Dark Commander of Darth Vader’s Lettow. He then found that he had an equal, one who served Emperor Palpatine. This woman, a girl the same age as he named Mara Jade, always attempted to be better than Starkiller, though she knew it would be next to impossible to achieve that goal. Thus, a great rivalry formed between the two. Though the did not see each other much, their hatred for one another burned like the fiery rivers of Mustafar. One day, Starkiller thought, he would kill Mara Jade as a way of showing her how much more powerful he truly was. The battle continued within Aldera as he watched the screen, hoping to see Viceroy Bail Organa somewhere in the battlefield. Capturing him was Darth Vader’s goal for this mission, but Starkiller did not care what the Dark Lord’s goal was. All he cared about was the battle and its success. Success for him was a triumphant victory over the Rebel Alliance until one day he destroyed the rebellion once and for all. War, nothing more exciting, he thought to himself. It’s the people’s fear that drives us to push forward, for fear attracts the fearful...the strong...the weak...the innocent...the corrupt. Fear...fear is my ally. He had heard the words of Darth Maul, once the apprentice of Darth Sidious until he was killed by then-Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi on Naboo, many times during his career from holo-recordings given to him by the Dark Lords of the Sith. Starkiller knew that one day...one day Emperor Palpatine would be dead and Darth Vader would take his place. Then, he would be the next Sith Apprentice and he would have the honor of destroying Palpatine’s Lettow, thus destroying Mara Jade. He would do anything...anything to secure that right. Darth Vader, the man once known as Anakin Skywalker, stood aboard the bridge of the Avenger. It pleased the Dark Lord immensely knowing that Bail Organa would soon be in his grasp, therefore leading him to his main target: Princess Leia Organa, the daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala. Before he turned to the Dark Side, Anakin knew that Padmé was pregnant, but after what he did to her on Mustafar...that fateful day when he had lost all he had worked so hard for...he was told that Padmé died, so he naturally assumed that their child died with her. But, years later, he discovered that the Princess of Alderaan truly was the daughter of Skywalker and he knew that if he was to overthrow Emperor Palpatine that he would need all the help he could get. And, who better than to become his next apprentice than his own daughter? There was only one man that stood in the way of her apprenticeship: Dark Commander Starkiller. “Lord Vader,” the ship’s captain shouted. “We’ve just received a signal from General Starkiller, sir.” Speak of the devil, the Dark Apprentice of the Sith thought to himself. “Yes, captain, what is it?” “The battle has begun, sir,” the captain said, excited. “Aldera is under siege. They are moving in on the palace now.” “Alert the Dark Commander to prepare for my arrival,” the Dark Lord commanded. He threw his cape back, stepping onto the turbo shaft. The door slid shut, leaving the bridge crew to wonder and to hope. Phase One: Complete Phase Two: Commencing