| - Johnny Cuba is a notorious and violent tramp steamer gangster. His strong accent and dialect indicate that he is from Australia. Johnny had arrived at Bigg City Port to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port.
- Johnny had arrived in Bigg City to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port un-noticed. He later appears in one of the stories of the TUGS 1989 Annual, "The Missing Barge" waiting for goods in the estuary, but Sunshine gives the crates to the Customs Launch. While Sunshine receives praise, Johnny Cuba is once again arrested.
- Johnny had arrived at Bigg City Port to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port. He later appeared in the annual story 'The Missing Barge' waiting for goods in the estuary, but Sunshine gave the crates to the customs Launch and while Sunshine was given praise, Johnny Cuba was once again arrested.
- Johnny Cuba is a notorious and violent tramp steamer gangster. His strong accent and dialect indicate that he is from Australia. He made his only appearance in High Winds. He is voiced by Sean Barrett. Johnny had arrived at Bigg City Port to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port. Johnny Cuba's character reflects that of Diesel 10 from the sister series, as being the violent and aggressive character.
| - Johnny had arrived at Bigg City Port to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port. Johnny sent Zebedee on an errand to steal a barge of coal, and threatened to sink him if he landed either of them in trouble. Due to a feud between Johnny and Captain Zero that occurred in the past, Zebedee was placed in an awkward and dangerous situation, until Hercules discovered Johnny's hide-out in an abandoned dock. He attemped to escape, but Zebedee stuck up courage to ram him against the keyside and then take him to the authorities. Despite Johnny's claim that "they can't hold Johnny Cuba!", they did. He later appeared in the annual story 'The Missing Barge' waiting for goods in the estuary, but Sunshine gave the crates to the customs Launch and while Sunshine was given praise, Johnny Cuba was once again arrested. Despite his notorious persona, in the buzz book 'Nothing to Declare', it was shown that Johnny Cuba had a good streak in him as he stopped a submarine from foiling Bluenose's inspection and the arrival of the top secert navy vessels. It is a mystery where Johnny Cuba comes from. The TUGS Board Game states that Johnny Cuba comes from Cuba, after his surname, though in the television series, he speaks with an Australian accent, so the TUGs board game was incorrect about Johnny Cuba's nationality.
- Johnny had arrived in Bigg City to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port un-noticed. Johnny sent Zebedee on an errand to steal a barge of coal for him, and threatened to sink him if he landed either of them in trouble. Due to a feud between Johnny and Captain Zero that occurred in the past, Zebedee was placed in an awkward and dangerous situation, until Hercules discovered Johnny's hide-out in an abandoned dock. He attempted to escape, but Zebedee stuck up courage to ram him against the quayside and then take him to the authorities. Despite Johnny's claim "they can't hold Johnny Cuba!", they did. He later appears in one of the stories of the TUGS 1989 Annual, "The Missing Barge" waiting for goods in the estuary, but Sunshine gives the crates to the Customs Launch. While Sunshine receives praise, Johnny Cuba is once again arrested. Despite his notorious persona, in the Buzz Book, "Nothing to Declare", it was shown that Johnny Cuba had a good streak in him as he stopped a submarine from foiling Bluenose's inspection and the arrival of the top secret navy vessels. It is a mystery where Johnny Cuba comes from. The TUGS Board Game states that Johnny Cuba comes from Cuba, after his surname, though in the television series, he speaks with an accent reflecting that of Australia or New Zealand.
- Johnny Cuba is a notorious and violent tramp steamer gangster. His strong accent and dialect indicate that he is from Australia. He made his only appearance in High Winds. He is voiced by Sean Barrett. Johnny had arrived at Bigg City Port to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port. Johnny sent Zebedee on an errand to steal a barge of coal, and threatened to sink him if he landed either of them in trouble. Due to a feud between Johnny and Captain Zero that occurred in the past, Zebedee was placed in an awkward and dangerous situation, until Hercules discovered Johnny's hide-out in an abandoned dock. He attemped to escape, but Zebedee stuck up courage to ram him against the keyside and then take him to the authorities. Despite Johnny's claim that "they can't hold Johnny Cuba!", they did. Johnny Cuba's character reflects that of Diesel 10 from the sister series, as being the violent and aggressive character.
- Johnny Cuba is a notorious and violent tramp steamer gangster. His strong accent and dialect indicate that he is from Australia. Johnny had arrived at Bigg City Port to make plans with fellow criminal friends during a period of strong and troublesome tempest weather. He threatened Zebedee and manipulated him into helping him into the port. Johnny sent Zebedee on an errand to steal a barge of coal, and threatened to sink him if he landed either of them in trouble. Due to a feud between Johnny and Captain Zero that occurred in the past, Zebedee was placed in an awkward and dangerous situation, until Hercules discovered Johnny's hide-out in an abandoned dock. He attemped to escape, but Zebedee stuck up courage to ram him against the keyside and then take him to the authorities. Despite Johnny's claim that "they can't hold Johnny Cuba!", they did.