| - Nina (the Organization's No. 9) is the creator of this technique.
- Shadow Hunters was a school of the Scorpion Clan who trained those who chased humans who had fallen to the Shadows. They remembered the utter consumption of their kinsmen by the Lying Darkness and they could not rest until the dishonor was purged. They were generally solitary during their quest at hunting Ninube and Goju.
- The Shadow Hunter is the ranged evolution of the Strider. He/she focuses on skills using the Crossbow and other important skills from the Strider class. Powerful pullers and DDs. Good AoE and self-buff skills. __TOC__
- Każdy łowca cieni to mistrz magii voodoo i najwyższy autorytet trolli dżunglowych. Dzięki swoim duchowym mocom, może kogoś zarówno przekląć, jak i uzdrowić. Przekracza granicę pomiędzy światłem a cieniem w nadziei na uratowanie przyszłości trolli. Kiedy łowca cieni nakłada ceremonialną maskę Rush'kah, przemawiają przez niego mroczni bogowie.
- NPC Enemy Khajiit in the Falkreath hold who wields the Bow of Shadows, needed to be killed to progress in Shattered Legacy After killing her and taking the Bow of Shadows, Azura grants you her blessing and The Moon and Star ring has it's full power.
- Shadow Hunter is a prestige class featured in the 3.5 supplement Dragonmarked on pages 117-120. The prestige class is associated with House Orien.
- Cunning Hero, adept at healing magics and voodoo curses. Can learn Healing Wave, Hex, Serpent Ward and Big Bad Voodoo. Attacks land and air units.
- The shadow hunters, masters of voodoo magic, are the highest authority of the jungle trolls. Their spirit powers both heal and curse, walking the line of dark and light in hope of saving the future of the jungle trolls. The dark gods will channel themselves through the shadow hunters when they use their ceremonial rush'kah masks.
- An experimental craft that Cadden Blackthorne and Zan Fyar found in the Udine asteroid field, the Shadow Hunter is one of a kind. It is heavily armed, but is also stocked up with extra space, thanks to the ingenious technique of making a majority of the systems automated so it only requires one pilot. Cadden Blackthorne, as Darth Trayus, immediately took a liking to the ship, and claimed it as his own.