Black Shuck is a large demonic dog of English folklore who varies from being depicted as a type of monster or ghost to a kind of death-spirit, Black Shuck is one of many such beings said to haunt the British countryside and belief in these demon hounds may of inspired the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hounds Of The Baskervilles".
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| - Black Shuck is a large demonic dog of English folklore who varies from being depicted as a type of monster or ghost to a kind of death-spirit, Black Shuck is one of many such beings said to haunt the British countryside and belief in these demon hounds may of inspired the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hounds Of The Baskervilles".
- Black Shuck (aka Old Shuck or the Doom Dog) is a large ghostly black dog that haunts the East Anglia peninsula of England. He possesses large blazing eyes of either red or green, and varies in size from either a large dog or the size of a horse. Anyone who lays eyes upon is said to die within a year.
- The Black Shuck is a supernatural dog or wolf said to roam the East Anglian countryside. it has appeared in English folklore for centuries, often taking the form of a massive black canine with feiry red eyes. Although usually an omen of death, it has in some accounts been known to halp the lost to safety using an almost human intelligence. The name Shuck may derive from the Old English word scucca meaning "demon", or possibly from the local dialect word shucky meaning "shaggy" or "hairy".
- Hay leyendas de Black Shuck que vagan por el campo Anglian desde Vikings antes . Su nombre puede derivar de la palabra scucca Inglés Antiguo que significa " demonio " , o posiblemente de la palabra dialecto local Shucky significa " peludo " o " peluda" . La leyenda fue parte de la inspiración para la novela de Sherlock Holmes Hound of the Baskervilles . Donde Él Prowls
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| - The eponymous protagonist of the 2000 AD strip Black Shuck was born in Dunwich, East Anglia, the illegitimate son of a Viking raider, King Ivar. As an adult he was kidnapped by Vikings and taken to Scandinavia. En route he encountered and fought a hideous shape-changing monster which killed all the Vikings. During the course of the battle Shuck bit the monster , and since then he transforms into a big, black, hairy beast whenever he feels fear, pain or rage. His human intellect is unimpaired by this transformation.
When Black Shuck landed in Scandinavia, King Ivar named him as his heir. He then informed him that this meant that Black Shuck was now affected by a terrible curse inflicted on Ivar and all his kin by the undead troll king Øvredal, because Ivar had robbed Øvredal's grave of its gold. The curse had already claimed the lives of Hugin and Munin, Ivar's legitimate sons. Now the Viking fortification was attacked by ravening hordes of trolls every night.
Black Shuck defeated Øvredal and inherited the throne after Ivar was discreetly poisoned by his wife , who blamed his death on the trolls. The new king should probably keep an eye on her...
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| - Leah Moore; John Reppion; Steve Yeowell; Chris Blythe
| - King Ivar ; Hugin and Munin
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| - He bit a shape-changing monster
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| - Kicking ass and fighting trolls.
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| - Anglo-Viking warriors don't do 'weakness'.
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| - Hay leyendas de Black Shuck que vagan por el campo Anglian desde Vikings antes . Su nombre puede derivar de la palabra scucca Inglés Antiguo que significa " demonio " , o posiblemente de la palabra dialecto local Shucky significa " peludo " o " peluda" . La leyenda fue parte de la inspiración para la novela de Sherlock Holmes Hound of the Baskervilles . Se dice que su aparición es un mal presagio para el espectador, aunque no siempre. Más de las veces , las historias hablan de Black Shuck terrorífico a sus víctimas , pero dejándolos solos para continuar una vida normal ; en algunos casos, que supuestamente ha ocurrido antes cercanos al observador mueren o se enferman . En otros cuentos se le considera ser relativamente benignos y dijo a acompañar a las mujeres en su camino a casa en el papel de protector en lugar de un presagio de mal agüero . A veces Negro Shuck ha aparecido sin cabeza, y en otras ocasiones, parece flotar sobre una alfombra de niebla. Según el folklore , el espectro a menudo frecuenta los cementerios , caminos secundarios , cruces , cerca de cuerpos de agua y los bosques thumboscuros. Negro Shuck también se dice para frecuentar la carretera de la costa entre West Runton y Overstrand . Donde Él Prowls Uno de los informes más notables de Black Shuck es su aparición en las iglesias de Bungay y Blythburgh en Suffolk . El 4 de agosto de 1577, en Blythburgh , Black Shuck se dice que ha irrumpido a través de las puertas de la iglesia . Corrió hasta la nave central , más allá de una gran congregación , matando a un hombre y un niño y haciendo que la torre de la iglesia se derrumbe por las nubes. A medida que el perro se fue , dejó marcas de quemaduras en la puerta norte que se puede ver en la iglesia en la actualidad. Estos perros negros se han dicho para ayudar a los viajeros perdidos a encontrar su camino a casa y son más a menudo útil que amenazador . Se dice que se les ve en una encrucijada y muchos pubs ingleses han llamado " El Perro Negro ".
- Black Shuck is a large demonic dog of English folklore who varies from being depicted as a type of monster or ghost to a kind of death-spirit, Black Shuck is one of many such beings said to haunt the British countryside and belief in these demon hounds may of inspired the Sherlock Holmes story "The Hounds Of The Baskervilles".
- Black Shuck (aka Old Shuck or the Doom Dog) is a large ghostly black dog that haunts the East Anglia peninsula of England. He possesses large blazing eyes of either red or green, and varies in size from either a large dog or the size of a horse. Anyone who lays eyes upon is said to die within a year.
- The Black Shuck is a supernatural dog or wolf said to roam the East Anglian countryside. it has appeared in English folklore for centuries, often taking the form of a massive black canine with feiry red eyes. Although usually an omen of death, it has in some accounts been known to halp the lost to safety using an almost human intelligence. The name Shuck may derive from the Old English word scucca meaning "demon", or possibly from the local dialect word shucky meaning "shaggy" or "hairy".
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