| - -LDS-, or Legion of the Dark Side, was originally founded from the shattered remnants of several imperial guilds sometime in late 2004. After the collapse of powerhouses like Darkwoods and Sith Lord Cultists -SLC-, a member named Rimmick stepped up to form Legion of the Dark Side. He gathered together many struggling members from the aforementioned imperial guilds as well as other collapsed imperial guilds, and united them under one banner. -LDS- was a force to be reckoned with, allying itself with powerful guilds such as IEBO and FEDEX in order to join in the fun, wreaking havoc upon the Rebel scum that continuously, yet pointlessly, tried to gain a foothold on Lok. Darth Rimmick disappeared into the shadows of the Force in mid-2005, but he left -LDS- as his legacy, under the command of his worthy apprentice, Darth Cyberdemom. Cyberdemom made advances in the guild, such as obtaining full control over the city of Ch'hodos, renaming it Legion's Keep in the guild's honor. -LDS- is based there even today. And in the shadows, rumors of the return of Darth Rimmick abound... Council Members Cyberdemom An'draste Maxur Viktorlucian Iplyvi Ouse Serenity- Beardus Velorn