| - "Seakit!" The scream echoed across the woods, filled with desperation. "Nettlefur! We can't stop. We have to leave her. Come on! You can't save everyone." A dark gray tom shoved against his mate, trying to make her move. Tears poured down her cheeks, and sobs racked her body. "I can't..." She choked on the smoke that was pouring into the clearing now. Farther away, orange tongues of fire licked the midnight sky like the claws of an angry predator, bearing down on them quickly. "Seakit..." she whispered, staring into the smoke as if she expected the little she-kit to materialize.
| - "Seakit!" The scream echoed across the woods, filled with desperation. "Nettlefur! We can't stop. We have to leave her. Come on! You can't save everyone." A dark gray tom shoved against his mate, trying to make her move. Tears poured down her cheeks, and sobs racked her body. "I can't..." She choked on the smoke that was pouring into the clearing now. Farther away, orange tongues of fire licked the midnight sky like the claws of an angry predator, bearing down on them quickly. "Seakit..." she whispered, staring into the smoke as if she expected the little she-kit to materialize. Rockspirit grabbed her scruff and began dragging her away. "You have to save yourself." When this had no effect on her, he added, "For Roarkit." She nodded, revived by the memory of their other child. But as the two cats, the last of the Clan to run from the fire, exited the burning woods, her heart felt like it was breaking. "Oh, my little Seakit." She turned to face the forest once more, ignoring the attempts of her clanmates to cheer her up. "I'll come back for you. Some day, we will meet again, whether here or in the stars. Please." Her wish drifted up on wings to the dark sky above, as her large golden eyes focused on the dying trees, which groaned as they were devoured by the flames. Then, tails between their legs, the cats turned and left what had once been their home. Forever. The murmur of voices stirred Seakit from her doze. Her lungs still stung from the ash and smoke, and the earth around her was black with soot. She imagined her fur was the same. A pair of cats stood looking down at her, kindness in their expressions. "She's just a baby," one said softly. "Poor thing. It's a good thing she managed to survive that fire, crawling under this rock like she did. But she needs help. Let's take her in." "Are you serious?" "Why not? The others won't mind. And it'll be like having a daughter for me." Seakit watched as the tom's eyes softened. "Well, if it makes you happy." The peach-colored she-cat didn't notice the affection in his gaze though. She scooped Seakit up and smiled. Speaking around the bundle in her jaws, she said, "We'll make her happy. Come on little one. I think I'll call you Seattle. Oh, she has such a cute face..." Smiling, the brown tom followed her as they padded back towards the city. The cool mist ruffled the newly-named Seattle's fur, as she was carried out of her old, forsaken home, and into a new life.