| - News: Consensual RP ============================================================================== Transformers Universe uses a consensual policy of role-playing. What this means is that you, the player, have the right to decide what happens to your character. However, you are also responsible for your IC actions, and cannot use the consensual policy to avoid the consequences of the actions that you choose to take. If a disagreement arises about what those consequences should be, a staff judge is the final arbiter. Common sense should govern your actions. If you don't want your character to die, don't put him/her in situations where you would IC'ly die. If you don't want to be taken prisoner, retreat before you are in danger of getting knocked out, make sure you've got a friend nearby who will pull you out, or make sure the other side's players don't mind leaving you for dead. You are also expected to cooperate with other players. Be courteous. If you want to take some actions that will greatly affect other players, ask them for their consent OOCly beforehand. If they refuse and you feel that the refusal is inappropriate, or if someone takes actions against your will that affect your character seriously, talk to a Judge/TPstaffer. We're all here to have fun. Consideration for others makes it possible for everyone to enjoy the game for the long term.