| - Born in the Kingdom of Dalkia, Annebella was a guarded child. Even though her family was caring and loving she had always known of her mother to be the drunkard and also how she would act as well. Her mother, as she refers to her, was abusive. The more she drank, the more she struck her brothers and also Annebella as well. Her father, a good man, was away with the Dalkian Army as a Tactician; he plotted points, drew maps, and aided in the triangulation of several ambush points as well as key battles which cost the Republic of Halteese much manpower, ground and also weaponry. This all changed when her father was killed. Her father, a good man, a great Tactician, was betrayed by members of his own in order to save themselves.
| - Born in the Kingdom of Dalkia, Annebella was a guarded child. Even though her family was caring and loving she had always known of her mother to be the drunkard and also how she would act as well. Her mother, as she refers to her, was abusive. The more she drank, the more she struck her brothers and also Annebella as well. Her father, a good man, was away with the Dalkian Army as a Tactician; he plotted points, drew maps, and aided in the triangulation of several ambush points as well as key battles which cost the Republic of Halteese much manpower, ground and also weaponry. This all changed when her father was killed. Her father, a good man, a great Tactician, was betrayed by members of his own in order to save themselves. After learning of this truth, Annebella abandoned her family. Her mother cared nothing for her disappearance while her brothers knew all too well that she had plotted her leave. They however, chose to stay and live with their mother. The eldest, Octavius, believed that their mother simply suffered from grief, yet Annebella told him that even when their father still drew breath she was no more than the abusive drunkard and at best, a lowly cur of only skin and bones, scavenging what could be found and only devouring or in their case, abusing the weak and helpless. With effort after effort burned to cinder, her eldest brother embraced her and gave her what gold he could muster from their slumbering mother. In her possession, her father’s sword, and her brother’s letters were what kept her will strong. As she traveled the land, she eventually came to the Welshdat Bridge. All she knew of this area was that the Grandall Empire and Kingdom of Dalkia were connected by this very bridge and that it was also used for much commerce. Seventeen years young she was and a map was her only guide to whatever land she wanted to reach. Of course, she would never trek towards Halteese; she knew all too well what the men of that Republic were capable of. She had heard numerous stories from her father when he would return from time to time and the details were enough to make her stomach reject her supper. They were vile creatures--the Halteese men. As the stories replayed in her mind, she knew if she were to be captured by them, she would rather be dead than be a helpless sex object. Such tales of prisoners of war made her want to be a soldier; to defend those who were not able to defend themselves and to add fuel to the fire, her mother's antics were a precise reason as well. Of course, her father forbade it—not until she was old enough. With him gone, she had no restrictions except his wish for her to wait until her twenty-first year before taking pommel in hand for her country. Naturally, she would follow his wishes but at this point, she could not. Putting Welshdat behind her, Annebella made her way to Grandall. She would start a new life and more importantly, she would learn from a man whom her father spoke highly of. As she had heard, he was a master of raiding enemy strongholds in the midst of the darkness and knew no equal in his professionalism. He held honor, respect, courage, and he was a humble man—much like her father. It was almost as if she had been searching for him to be in another body but she knew that was not the case. Annebella wanted to better herself so that she would never be like her mother. If she were to bear children, they would know her wrath only if they had done something wrong or if someone had done something to injure them. She would be a fair mother if that ever happened. A just woman, and an even finer soldier. Dare she even think, a commander one day? Nearly all things were possible in her eyes and as the Flags of the Empire came into view, she knew that she had not only what it took to succeed, but the very sword that would aid her in her goals and dreams. She would cleave a life of honor and drink in the success of her choices and even more so—Annebella would thrive on the battlefield. Neither of her three brothers have yet to best her when they played by the sword and if her past strength was not a farce, then her life would be lived long and well.