| - After the death of the Great King of Hyrule, during the Age of Chaos (the Era of Decline), no one appeared who was able to wield the Triforce, and Hyrule divided again and again, continuing to shrink. The proud kingdom of Hyrule had once covered a vast area of land, but the passage of the ages saw its decline, and it eventually shrank into a single, small kingdom which came to be known as Lesser Hyrule.
| - After the death of the Great King of Hyrule, during the Age of Chaos (the Era of Decline), no one appeared who was able to wield the Triforce, and Hyrule divided again and again, continuing to shrink. The proud kingdom of Hyrule had once covered a vast area of land, but the passage of the ages saw its decline, and it eventually shrank into a single, small kingdom which came to be known as Lesser Hyrule. Though the Triforce of Wisdom continued to be handed down from generation to generation, as the long years passed, the existence of the Triforce of Courage and the tragedy of Princess Zelda were also lost to memory. While the Demon King Ganon had been defeated countless times by heroes in the past, he was thought to have been resurrected after many years. Leading a demon army, he invaded Lesser Hyrule, seeking the Triforce. No longer bearing any trace of the man known as the Great Thief, Ganondorf, he opposed Link in the form of a demonic beast, bereft of intelligence.