Bostro is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He is a high-ranking member of the Family and usually the one commanding other members.
Bostro is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He is a high-ranking member of the Family and usually the one commanding other members.
Bostro is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He is a high-ranking member of the Family and usually the one commanding other members. File:Spoilerwarningbackground.png He always believed that his boss was the true leader of the Family and became quite sad after it was revealed he wasn't.
Bostro ist ein antagonistischer Charakter aus Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft und ranghohes Mitglied im Clan, der das London der Zukunft kontrolliert. Er sieht sich als rechte Hand des Bosses, dem bösen Layton der Zukunft, der sich später als Dr. Dimitri Allen herausstellt.
Bostro is the tertiary antagonist of the game Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He is the right-hand of Dimitri Allen, the boss of the Family.