| - If the character is responsible and pacifistic it will lead to Beware the Nice Ones. Selflessness, on the other hand, is a flaw that will be punished, either by the other characters, the writers or both. This is usually portrayed as a woman being domestic (either by choice or society's expectation), maternal or just being kind-hearted. Maybe the good girl is picked on just because she is an easy target (like when she is the poor Designated Victim), or perhaps it is the writers' way of avoiding making her a Mary Sue. Examples of Meekness Is Weakness include:
| - If the character is responsible and pacifistic it will lead to Beware the Nice Ones. Selflessness, on the other hand, is a flaw that will be punished, either by the other characters, the writers or both. This is usually portrayed as a woman being domestic (either by choice or society's expectation), maternal or just being kind-hearted. Maybe the good girl is picked on just because she is an easy target (like when she is the poor Designated Victim), or perhaps it is the writers' way of avoiding making her a Mary Sue. Her weakness might be her lack of individuality, having no thoughts besides how a woman's place is in the home (or interests that aren't domestic) and how she should stand by the man in her life. Or she's a woman who seems to have had nothing to do with her life so she figures that the one thing she can be good at is raising a child, so that's what she'll do, because how hard can it be? It might be that the dependent wife or girlfriend is betrayed and abandoned or the strong independent woman succeeds where the sweetheart fails. She might grow into a stronger person and even have a loving, healthy relationship by the end of the story, but don't count on it. Basically the good girl image will be used as an excuse to be cold, cowardly or clingy. Subject to Unfortunate Implications, as if to suggest that it's true that Real Women Never Wear Dresses or Nice Guys Finish Last. Contrast the Yamato Nadeshiko and the sit-com Housewife (who are domestic but strong) as well as the Mama Bear (who is strong and maternal) and The Chick (who is strong but kind-hearted). Compare No Good Deed Goes Unpunished, Being Good Sucks, Dogged Nice Guy, Break the Cutie, and The Ingenue. Examples of Meekness Is Weakness include: