| - Full name Class Nationality First appearanceBy the Sword (novel) Lerryn Twoblades was the Captain of the mercenary company the Skybolts when Kerowyn first joined. He had a reputation for honesty and the mercenaries under his command were "fanatically devoted" to him. (By the Sword) He was described as follows: "[He] did not look like much of a fighter. He wore the same scuffed leathers as any of his company; his only concession to rank was a round pin of carved silver Kero had made him, showing two crossed swords bisected by a lightening bolt. Thin and not particularly tall, and just now at rest, he wasn't very imposing, either. But when he rose to speak, it was immediately apparent that he was whipcord and steel over bone, and moved with a lazy grace that spoke volumes to anyone who had studied hand-to-hand combat. Those limpid brown eyes missed nothing; those foppish curls covered a skull with frightening intelligence inside it. There wasn't one single horse in the entire camp he couldn't handle..." (By the Sword)When the various mercenary companies were routed in Menmellith by a band of "bandits" out of Karse, and their ambushing reinforcements, he lead the Skybolts out over the mountains, trying to escape through Karse. Many of the Skybolts survived to regroup, but most of the officers, including Lerryn, were killed. Ardana took over the company at that point, and Kerowyn rose to become Scoutmaster.