| - Char est la seule zone d'atterrissage de Cole, une planète du système Nul. Elle est connue pour abriter un marché noir, et pour le fait qu'elle échappe totalement à la juridiction de l'UEE, ce qui rends ce dernier florissant. Catégorie:StarMap Catégorie:Ville
- Char is part of a nightkin guard detail in Fallout.
- Char is a rare fish in Online. It can be obtained through fishing in Eastmarch.
- [[Archivo:Char.png|thumb|258px|Personas hechas ceniza tras los ataques del Martillo del Alba en Char]]Char fue una ciudad de Sera, reconocida por ser la zona cero de los ataques del Martillo del Alba durante la Guerra Locust, es decir, el epicentro de dichos ataques, los cuales causaron devastación para sus habitantes, dejándolos incluso hechos ceniza como consecuencia.
- An inhabitant of a planet who's population was whiped out by the Dragonoid.
- Char is a fire enchantress in the service of Zaros. She is of, and believed herself to be the last of, the Auspah race, originally inhabited by the village of the same race. She is first introduced in the Lore story Twice Burnt and has her story expanded in the quest, The Firemaker's Curse, where she serves as the antagonist of the quest. Like the rest of her people, she is capable of creating and controlling fire.
- The char (large char in games prior to Wild World) is freshwater fish found in all games. It is associated with waterfalls, and in all games the fish is fairly common and sells for a high price. Though it has traditionally only been found at the base of waterfalls, some town layouts in Animal Crossing: New Leaf give the chance of catching char in the space just above the lower waterfall.
- Char is a third-year Knorth randon cadet in the Southern Host. He's the leader of the third-years.
- Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre
* char sur le dictionnaire d'occitan médiéval
* singulier : char
* pluriel: charsCatégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* []Catégorie:Nord-occitan variante de carriCatégorie:Variante
- Char is tectonically active. The acrid air has a high oxygen and sulfur content and is laced with ash. An unprotected terran may survive on the planet, however uncomfortably. Despite the conditions small pockets of liquid water exist on the surface, and precipitation occurs.
- When Set, it increases base HP by 9, base Attack by 2, base Agility by 2, and base Luck by 1. When Char's battle effect is used, a holographic image of a Mars Djinni projects a red stream of grainy energy at the target, and the target is hit with red static electricity as it is buffeted. It deals a Mars-based attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 50 damage points added to the result. There is then a chance that the target will be afflicted by Stun. It is identical to the Mars Djinni from the previous game, Scorch.
- Char is the word for death in High Speech. It has no other meanings.
- Char was city located near the town of Mercy. It was one of the largest cities on Sera prior to the Locust War, serving as home to hundreds of thousands of citizens. Following the Hammer of Dawn Counterattack a year after Emergence Day, Char was left as a mass graveyard, filled with countless ashen remains and resentful Stranded.
- thumb|250px|Jeden z wariantów Chara thumb|250px|Grafika "koncepcyjna" Chara na Darkspore.com Char – plazmowy mściciel z Darkspore.
- Char was a female dancer in the service of Zaros, and was rumoured to be his concubine believing herself to be the last of the Auspah race. Incidentally, Auspah is the name of the village the race originally inhabited as well. She is first introduced in the Lore story Twice Burnt and has her story expanded in the quest, The Firemaker's Curse, where she serves as the antagonist of the quest. Like the rest of her people, she is capable of creating and controlling fire.
- Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiChar – ryba występująca w The Elder Scrolls Online. Można ją znaleźć w Eastmarch.
- Char is a four-armed salvager, he has a ship called the Flying Furnace. Char is also a blacksmith. In his aptly named Floating Furnace, he has repaired the Sword of Omens on at least two occasions. In another episode, he has taken interest in the Sphere of Setti.
- Char is a red-orange koala/flame-like experiment designed to burn bagels. Was mentioned in "Link" when Reuben was searching the experiment database.
- Char is the leader of the cildru dyathe, a group of Demon-Dead children and a childhood friend of Jaenelle Angelline. His first appearance is in Daughter of the Blood.
- Signification : Termes multiples, ramenant tous à une seule et même chose, la mort. "Char" ressemble beaucoup à "car", le mot anglais pour désigner la voiture. Y a-t-il un lien ? On retrouve la racine dans de nombreuses oeuvres de Stephen King : Charlie, Carrie, etc. mais également dans de nombreux termes de la Tour Sombre, comme, par exemple, Charlie le Tchou Tchou
- Like the strings, the chars are variables that contain only one character. They are declared as it follows: a,b,c,d,e : char;
- CHAR is a CAOS command used for character-by-character string manipulation.
- The Char was located in the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire.
- Char is a dragon pet that is available to everyone for purchase through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png395, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png292.
- Char was a clone trooper commander and a friend of Sairen Hunte. Char fought in the Battle of Chnam and was one of the few survivors of the 100th Attack Squad.
- Char is a pteracentaur from an inter-dimensional realm who encounters Hippolyta's ship on its way to Paradise Island in "Tales of the Amazons in Ancient Times". The Amazons first encounter Char when their ship becomes stuck in the web of a giant spider. Hippolyta entrusts him with a sword to free himself from the web, but they lose Mala to the spider in the process. Char explains that he is the king of Kendrys, and must be on his way to depose his brother who has claimed his throne. Hippolyta convinces him to assist in recovering Mala, and in turn her army will help take back his kingdom. (Wonder Woman v1 #248)
- « Le char est avant toute chose, un moyen d'aller cogner sur la vilaine tête de son voisin sans pour autant en prendre plein la courge, faut pas deconner non plus ! » Ainsi commence le traité Des manières judicieuses pour latter les vilains écrit un jeudi de 1217 par le moine Hubert de St. Flon, alors sonneur de cloches en l'église d'Hordissy sur l'Eure. Ce moine visionnaire et inventif avait déjà créé le premier marque-page en bronze étammé au platre, le lutrin pneumatique sans air et la toujours célèbre Corde inusable à sonner les cloches, toujours utilisée de nos jours à Rome la semaine precedant Pâques afin d'attraper les gondoles affolées par la course cycliste Voar-Venise-Emourir. Pour en revenir au traité sus-cité, il ne dépassera pas le stade de la page de garde, Hubert se faisant
- Char is a volcanic planet in or near the Koprulu Sector. It was fought over by Terrans for its mineral wealth and later settled en masse by Zerg. Char is located in a binary star system. The primaries, a class VI F0 sub dwarf orbiting an M8 irregular variable, bombard the planet with cosmic rays. The planet's extremely elliptical orbit has a volatile affect on its geography. Eris and Ate are Char's two large natural satellites, each being purplish in color and having a diameter of more than 1000 kilometers. It also appears to be orbited by a debris field. Char is located within the Zerg Quarantine Zone.
- The char fish belongs to the Salmonidae family and it is the fish species that has the most northerly distribution of any of the other fresh water fish. The char group belongs to the salmon family and there are two subgroups belonging to it. The first group is a sea-run group and the other one is a fresh water group. The sea chars are usually larger weighing around 2 to 5 kg, while the other chars only weigh from half a kilo to maximum 3. It is also known as the Arctic char because it is the dominant species of the Arctic coast and it was considered to be one of the main food resources for the Inuit. The char has a beautiful coloration and the quality of its flesh is excellent. The char fish is streamlined and mainly trout-like. The color of the char fish varies quite a lot. The sea chars
- Net zoals de rest van haar ras, kan ze vuur maken en vuur beheersen. Haar dorp was aangevallen door barbarians die dachten dat ze krachtige voorwerpen hadden en haar ras was bijna helemaal vernietigd en een paar waren nog in leven die de barbarians moesten dienen met hun vuurkrachten en Char, toen nog een kind, was achtergelaten op het strijdveld omdat de barbarians dachten dat ze dood was. Ze haat Zamorak omdat hij zowel haar en Zaros heeft veraden en ze is een wraakplan aan het maken in haar grot, waar ze de speler leert om symbolen met vuur te maken en waar ze haar vuurkrachten traind.