| - De Can-Cell werd makkelijk groter dan drie meter lang en had een langwerpig lichaam met zes poten. Vier grote vleugels deden het insect vliegen en de groene facetogen zorgden ervoor dat niets aan hun aandacht ontsnapte. Can-Cells waren carnivoren die zich meestal voedden met insecten maar ook met kleinere knaagdieren indien ze honger hadden. Can-Cells leefden in alle lagen van de uitgestrekte bossen op Kashyyyk en maakten een sterk zoemend geluid dat werd veroorzaakt door hun vleugels. Can-Cells bouwden hun nesten in harde, modderachtige uitsteeksels aan de onderkant van rotsen of gebouwen.
- Los can-cells fueron insectoides grandes, con alas de más de tres metros de longitud. Sobre el terreno, caminaban sobre seis piernas delgadas, pero en el aire, utilizaban cuatro grandes alas para impulsarse, mientras que su cola larga y segmentada les proporcionaba estabilidad. Los can-cell era criaturas insectívoras, pero también eran conocidos por comer pequeños roedores.
- [Source] Le Can-cell est une libellule géante présente sur Kashyyyk, et utilisée par les soldats clones et les Wookiees durant la bataille de Kashyyyk. Le Can-cell mesure 3 mètres de long. Sa queue est couverte de plumes. Il se nourrit d'insectes plus petits.
- Can-cell were a species of flying insect found of a number of planets across the galaxy, including Kashyyyk, Aleen, Ryloth, Rodia Taul, and Teth. The sentient Wookiees of Kashyyyk believed seeing a can-cell brought the viewer good luck and based the design of their Raddaugh Gnasp fluttercraft on the odd looking creatures. Can-cell were attracted to the buzzing sound made by Wookiees' Oevvaor jet catamarans and would often congregate at landing pads where the vehicles could be found.
- thumb|A teth-i can-cellA can-cell-ek Kashyyyk sűrű erdeiben élnek, de már sok helyen megtalálhatóak. A vukik a szerencse jelképeként tartják. Meg lehet őket lovagolni, de törékeny teste miatt nem bír el túl nagy sújt.
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- Can-Cell (s) were insectoid animals native to many tropical planets. They had four large wings and segmented eyes. They were commonly used as areal mounts, sometimes as steeds, being ridden into battle. They possessed some intelligence, displaying emotional responses to annoyance or threats. They understood basic fight or flight instincts, but did not contemplate anything.
- The Wookiees of Kashyyyk considered the appearance of a can-cell to be a good omen, and often kept them as pets. These animals were not dangerous to their masters, but were brave in battles. The Wookiees also realized that can-cells could be used as mounts, but they were too big to ride the insects themselves. Jedi Master Tsui Choi performed reconnaissance missions during the Battle of Kashyyyk while riding a can-cell.