| - Andy Tavers grew up on Dirishu-6 Moon with a companion robot, Tim-21. They grew close and considered each other brothers. When Tim wanted to dream one night, they shut him down. However, they were attacked by Harvesters that night. Andy was put on a shuttle leaving the moon while his mom stayed behind, and died in a mine explosion while she was attempting to help others flee.
Andy grew up on his own and eventually turned to hunting robots with a side-mission of wanting to find Tim again. He gained a small fortune hunting robots for money. He jumped at the opportunity to return home when he heard a job had been uncovered for a companion droid on his home planet. Upon arriving, he teamed up with Blugger Vance who had put a tracking unit on his droid, Tim.
Andy and Blugger traveled in their spaceship, the Space Dagger, bickering. When they were approached by two Gnishian Warships, they were ordered to stand down. Blugger and Andy make attacked and escaped when a whole squadron arrived. They make a break for Phage where they knew their ships wouldn't follow. While passing through Phage, they saw a shimmering city and Phages. One passed through Andy and Andy had visions. He didn't want to speak about them and Andy asserted he just wanted to find his robot.
They soon arrived on Gnish but found that Tim-21 had already left the planet. They stumbled into Tullis and Bandit who were in the holding pits of the fighting arena. When Tullis realized that Andy was THE Andy that used to own Tim-21, they devised a plan to escape and find Tim. Andy realized that Bandit had a chip that was connected to Tim so they could always find each other. He proposed finding his ex-wife who could rig the electronics to find Tim.
Upon tracking her down to Sampson, they were suddenly attacked by Gnishians who had been following Andy.