| - Ur (ウル Uru) was the teacher of Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia, as well as Ultear Milkovich's mother. She sacrificed herself by using Iced Shell to defeat Deliora. Ur, during her time with her daughter, was a good, caring and loving mother. While she trained Gray and Lyon, she was upbeat, cheerful and slightly abrasive. She cared for both of her pupils as her own children, though she became extremely angry when Lyon asked her if he was enough to take the place of Ultear when he learned about her taking Gray as a pupil, causing her to strike him in anger. She also scolded Gray for stripping in public. She was also very humble, as seen when she said that there were many other Mages stronger than her, despite others seeing her as being capable of being one of the Ten Wizard Saints.
- The story concerns English instructor Wesley Smith, who is haunted after a nasty break-up by his ex-girlfriend's parting shot: "Why can't you just read off the computer like the rest of us?" Prompted by her question and piqued by a student's suggestion, Wesley places an order for Amazon's Kindle eReader. The – pink? – device that arrives in a box stamped with the smile logo – via one-day delivery that he hadn't requested – unlocks a literary world that even the most avid of book lovers could never imagine. But once the door is open, there are those things that one hopes we'll never read or live through.
- Volk Menschen Volk Art Magier Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Dalaran Zone Gebiet Status Level Stufe Ur war einst ein großer Magier aus Dalaran bevor die Geißel kam und seine Studien anderer Welten sind noch heute von großem Wert für bestimmte Kreise der Verlassenen. Er wusste so viel, doch sein Gewissen hielt ihn von der wahren Macht zurück und als die Geißel kam und seine Kraft auf die Probe stellte, versagte er. Als seine bedeutenste Hinterlassenschaft gilt das "Buch von Ur", welchen man in der Burg Schattenfang findet.
- Ur (ウル Uru) was the teacher of Gray Fullbuster and Lyon Vastia, as well as Ultear Milkovich's mother. She sacrificed herself by using Iced Shell to defeat Deliora.
- The Ur tree was found in Temperate Grassland.It's Nuts were known as very nourishing and could be used as a substitute for one days food.However the Ur-Nut was highly addictive and in higher doses highly poisonous and could not be used for more than three days or severe signs of weakness and disorientation would emerge, eventually leading to a comatose condition.
- Ur ist ein längst verstorbener Magier der vor langer Zeit in einer Paralleldimension die Worgen und den Spruch, sie herbeizuholen, fand und dies im berühmten Buch von Ur niederschrieb. Arugal fand das Buch und entdeckte die Waffe der Worgen. Er nutzte sie, was in Staaten wie Gilneas und auf Landstrichen wie dem Südsilberwald totale Verwüstungen anrichtete. Kategorie:Person Kategorie:Menschen Kategorie:Magier
- The Patriarch of the Shaikans.
- The city of Ur is the place where the pilot "Ace" Kelly was taken after landing on the moon due to a mishap with his experimental plane. It is ruled by the Queen of Ur, who falls in love with Ace after he survives a series of trials.
- Ur (ウル Uru) es un pueblo de Final Fantasy III. Es la primera localidad que se visita en el juego, y se produce al salir de la Cueva del Altar. Además es la ciudad donde viven Luneth, Arc, Nina y Topapa. Ur se sitúa en el Continente Flotante, en un valle al norte de Kazus y al este de Sasune.
- Ur invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* Ur (localité de Cerdagne)
- Ur is the hometown of Luneth and Arc in the 3D version of Final Fantasy III and is the first town visited in the game. Located on the Floating Continent, it is a small town located on a valley north of Kazus and east of Sasune.
- thumb|250px|Ur Przypadkowy obserwator może łatwo pomylić Ur z prostą bryłą krzemienia odłamanego od większego kamienia przez naturalne siły. Jednak bliższa inspekcja, ujawnia że jedna krawędź kamienia została ostrożnie wytarta do ostrej krawędzi, podczas gdy przeciwna strona została ukształtowana w nieokrzesaną rękojeść. Małe, prymitywne figury jeleni, wilków i niedźwiedzi są wyryte w kamieniu.
- Ur was a male Tusken Raider who lived on the desert planet of Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War. He was famous for slaying two Gamorrean guards during a territorial skirmish with the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Ur had a younger brother named Urur, who was restricted to defending their tribe. If Ur was killed, Urur would take his place within the tribe.
- thumb|Ur (NES) thumb|Ur (Remake) thumb|Ur auf der Weltkarte (Remake) Ur ist ein Ort aus Final Fantasy III. In den Remakes ab der NDS-Version ist es die Heimatstadt von Luneth und Arc, die dort vom Dorfältesten Topapa und seiner Frau Nina aufgezogen wurden. Nach der Altarhöhle ist sie die erste Stadt, die besucht werden kann. Es handelt sich um ein kleines Dorf, das eingebettet zwischen Bergen nördlich von Kazus und östlich von Schloss Sasune liegt.
- Categoría:AÑADIR PLANTILLA{| class="darktable" style="float:right; width: 25em; text-align: left;" |- ! colspan="2" style="font-size: 150%; padding:5px; text-align: center;" |36px|link=Alianza Ur |- | colspan=2 style="text-align:center; padding-bottom:1em;" | |- valign=top 190px | Género | Masculino |- valign=top | Raza | Humano |- valign=top | Clase | Mago |- valign=top | Afiliación | Dalaran |- valign=top | Localización | Desconocida |- valign=top | Estado | Fallecido |} Ur es conocido por ser el primer archimago en estudiar a los worgen, y tal vez, el primero en descubrir otros mundos.
- thumb|Ur dans le jeu original Ur est la ville natale de Luneth et d'Arc dans la version DS de Final Fantasy III ainsi que la première ville visitée dans le jeu. C'est une petite ville qui se situe sur le Continent flottant, et plus précisément au Nord de Kasus et à l'Est de Sasune.
- The Ur is a type of viral lifeform possessed of a communal sentience. The Ur spreads, infects and otherwise insinuates itself upon other life by using sound waves. The crew of the USS Enterprise encountered the Ur in the 2260s. (TOS - Year Four comic: "Issue 3")
- Ur is a Babylonian and Sumerian city in the Civilization games, and sometimes appears as a city-state. In real life, it is an ancient Mesopotamian city located in present-day Iraq.
- UR, or Ultimate Redemption, is a homosexual site for men
- Ur is the fourth spirit you will obtain in the game. He will be found in the Site of Cyril, in the desert. Of course, as with Neaki and Mieli, you will need to do a boss fight before you unseal him. Ur has shackles around his eyes, which he really doesn't mind. He considers this a chance to use his third eye. When unshackled he can see the past, future, and all things in between.
- Ur était un grand mage de Dalaran avant l'arrivée du Fléau. Connu pour ses recherches controversées sur la Magie noire et les entités extra-dimensionnelles. Les Worgens font partie de ces habitants d'autres mondes selon Ur, qui est surtout connu de par leur découverte. Il est mort lorsque le Fléau attaqua Dalaran. Les études qu'il a pratiqué sont inscrites dans le livre d'Ur, qui fut étudié par Arugal pour ses expériences sur les Worgens. Catégorie:Mage Catégorie:Dalaran
- Ur was a magician of Dalaran before the coming of the Scourge. He was known to have made the best studies of elixirs and for have starting the reasearch to make super soldiers, which he later on named "Worgen". His knowledge was great, but his conscience held him from true power. He died during the Siege of Dalaran at the hands of the Scourge. One of his books, [The Book of Ur], is held in Shadowfang Keep by Archmage Arugal.
- Ur (Sumerian: Urim , written URIM2KI ��� or URIM5KI ��� (Assyrian:ܘ݂ܪ ) was a city in ancient Sumer, located at the site of modern Tell el-Mukayyar in Iraq's Dhi Qar Governorate. Once a coastal city near the mouth of the then Euphrates river on the Persian Gulf, Ur is now well inland, south of the Euphrates on its right bank, kilometres ( mi) from Nasiriyah, Iraq. It is close to the site of ancient Eridu. Ur was a Sumerian city-state.