| - Die Zhentarim, auch "Das schwarze Netz" genannt, sind eine Organisation, welche sich aus Mitgliedern von Manshoon und andere in seinem innersten Zirkel rekrutiert. Ihr Hauptziel ist es,den Handel in den gesamten Reichen zu dominieren. Obwohl die Kontrolle des Handels das Hauptziel ist, sind die Zhentarim viel mehr als eine profane Gruppe von bösen Kaufleuten, die um Reichtum wetteifern. Macht ist der Schlüssel im Leben eines Zhentarim. Je mehr Macht man im schwarzen Netz hat, desto mehr Macht benötigt man. Denn um so mehr Feinde hat man sich auf dem Weg gemacht. Viele behaupteten, dass schwarze Netz würde schließlich zerfallen, aber die Geschichte hat bewiesen, dass es genug gierige, größenwahnsinnige, und bösartigen Leute in der Welt gibt, um diejenigen zu ersetzen, die die internen Machtkämpfe in den Reihen der Zhentarim verloren haben. Die Mehrheit der Zhentarim sind Handlanger Magier und Priester des Cyric (oder Bane, abhängig von der jeweiligen Zeit). Die Zhentarim haben aber nicht nur Priester und Magier in ihren Reihen auch Schurken und Krieger werden als Anwärter betrachtet, solange sie über außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten oder über besonders gute Verbindungen verfügen, Der Großteil des Reichtums der Zhentarim kommt aus dem Handel mit wertvollen Gütern aller Art von(Auch an gestohlenen Waren, Sklaven und andere illegale, sehr teure Waren sowie kostspielige Edelsteine und Erze). Der schlechte Ruf der Zhentarim als Halsabschneider im Bezug auf ihre Arrangements im Bereich des Handels gründet sich auf ihre Praktiken beim Transport und der Abfertigung der Waren, sowie der Behandlung der Konkurrenz. Die Zhentarim bringen ihre Waren immer durch, unabhängig von den Gefahren. Das Schwarze Netzwerk versucht mittels der weitverzweigten Beziehungen und Kontakte seine Waren schneller als alle anderen an ihren Bestimmungsort zu bringen. Vandalismus, Mord, Brandstiftung und andere Sabotageakte sind für die Zhentarim Wege um sich örtlich gegenüber Konkurrenten durchzusetzen, ihre Handelsposten zu etablieren und die Kontrolle über wichtige Handelswege des Reiches zu bekommen.
- See The Zhentarim
- Thr Zhentarim is an organized crime syndicate that controls a large part of the Moonsea region's economy. Their presence in Baldur's Gate is centered around countering actions of the Iron Throne as a part of their expansion into the Sword Coast.
- Zhentil Keep opened a trade embassy in Arabel in 1379DR. It was partially to support the city against a githyanki invasion, but most people realize the truth is that Zhentil Keep sheltered Gondegal after his first rebellion, and even armed and supported him on his second rise to power. The embassy was their reward. Once Queen Lhal took over the Arabel Free State, it was rumored that she'd quickly expel the Zhentarim. That has not happened. Now many believe the Zhentarim are looking for an excuse to invade Arabel, while Cormyr is too weak to hold them back—and that expelling or attacking their embassy would provide that excuse. Others suspect that Lhal hopes to play the Zhentarim against the Cormyrians and Sembians to maintain Arabel's independence.Very recently, the armies of Zhentil Keep have mobilized and the sermons from the priests of Bane have begun to change. The Zhentarim are beginning to hint they've given up on military expansion against fellow humans, and instead have declared that non-humans (especially goblins, but also orcs and even elves) are fit for removal to make way for Zhentarim expansion. It is widely suspected their forces are preparing for a great crusade against goblin-kin. Meanwhile, the priests have begun to openly denounce Ilmater throughout the Realms, indicating that the weak-god has kept men poor, down-trodden and miserable, whereas complete subservience to Bane would bring them honor and glory in return for their fear of Bane. Some whisper that there is an as-yet invisible link between Zhentil Keep's preparations for war against goblins and a brewing holy war against Ilmater's faith. Whatever it is, it does not bode well for the Forgotten Realms. The Zhentarim began to further solidify their powerbase around Arabel with the absorption of a colony calling itself New Kilgrave. However, this move further drove the rift between Cormyr and the Zhentarim Empire, as both laid claim to the region. Eventually, Cormyr marched an army upon New Kilgrave, openning war officially between the two powers, only to have the unexpected intervention of the Empire of Shade. When the battle concluded, New Kilgrave fell under Shadovar authority, and both Cormyr and the Zhentarim withdrew their claims of the settlement. Following the battle at Kilgrave, the Zhentarim continued to engage and be engaged by Cormyr in a number of skirmishes. After a notable battle at Castle Cragg, the Zhentarim withdrew their forces from their Embassy, moving them to a small training ground bordering the Hullack forest and East Way Village. Eventually, a stalemate was reached and a peace brokered between the two nations. Little more is known of the intentions of the Zhentarim at this time.
- The Black Network of the Zhentarim is a group of mages, priests and warriors devoted to the task of dominating trade and therefore power, throughout Faerûn. To that end they work to achieve the downfall of an ever-increasing list of opponents, including the Dalelands, the Harpers, rival Moonsea cities and anyone else who resists their influence. That which cannot be infiltrated and controlled must be cowed into obedience or destroyed. Conquest is also high on the Zhentarim agenda,usually using the forces of Zhentil Keep. They also make use of non-human tribes and mercenaries,usually promised to be paid with the spoils of pillage after the battle. The chief intent in battle is to punish enemies or weaken rivals, and is usually implemented after failure to take over the community from within. The Black Network, loyal to Bane, activities include a number of legal and illegal actions. Trade is a major component of the Zhentarim's income and they are not limited morally to mere transport of ores from the Moonsea's area and finished good from Waterdeep and the North. The Zhentarim also do excellent business in poisons, illicit drugs, weapons and slaves. Assassination, theft, blackmail, kidnapping and torture are all acceptable methods to advance Zhentarim goals. They have no compunction about hiding behind aliases or setting up rivals against each other, but usually wish to let their opponents know who is responsible for their downfall. History The Zhentarim was founded sometime around 1360 DR by the evil wizard Manshoon. Originally called the Black Cloaks, this cabal of mages, merchants, beholders and faithful of evil deities (most notable Bane) grew from his influence. Eventually the Zhentarim allied with the cleric of Bane, Fzoul Chembryl, which strengthened the organization exponentially. Despite recent turbulent events, such as the death and re-ascension of Bane, the Zhentarim has greatly increased it's area of influence far beyond the region of the Moonsea.
- In the Forgotten Realms setting, there exists a sinister society intent on exploiting every resource of Faerûn to its own ends. This society is known as the Zhentarim. The Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, is an evil organization whose goal is to dominate the lands from the Moonsea to the Sword Coast North. Originally a secret society, the Zhentarim have operated openly in the area of the Moonsea, particularly around Zhentil Keep, their greatest base of operations. It is currently led by Fzoul Chembryl, Chosen of Bane and High Lord of the Zhentarim. Many Zhentarim are simply opportunistic merchants; however, some do resort to illicit acts such as attacking rival caravans, extorting villages for food, or far more serious crimes like arson and murder. Bandits are hired by the Zhentarim to attack other caravans and towns. Wizards are also hired to conjure up or enrage foul monsters. Recently, the Zhentarim have been sending some older members of their organization to frontier nations such as the Silver Marches, where they buy land and become peaceable homesteaders, raising their own families and biding their time until they are called upon again. Rumors state that the Black Network is a sinister, murderous band of spies, informants, armies, and wizards who ride around on monsters, engaged in all sorts of secret and terrible activities. These rumors spread fear of the cabal from the lands of the Moonsea and across the Heartlands to the Sword Coast. The peoples who live in the lands of the Dragon Reach know a lot more about the Zhentarim. They can recount how it rose to open rule and power in Zhentil Keep, then seized control of the Citadel of the Raven from the other Moonsea cities that shared it. They can tell of how the Zhents conquered Teshendale, Voonlar, and Yûlash, and plotted the conquests of Shadowdale, Daggerdale, and Mistledale. The Zhents have entire armies hidden away in the Citadel of the Raven and in a sinister fortress called Darkhold, which is somewhere in the Western Heartlands. Zhents govern affairs east to the walls of Mulmaster, north through the Ride and the Cold Lands to the Great Glacier, and south through the weaker Dales. Until the arrival of the shades, the Zhents also greatly influenced affairs west across Anauroch to the vales of the Gray Peaks. The Zhents are soldiers commanded by cruel minor wizards possessing more ambition than power, who report to truly powerful mages (the Black Cloaks) headed by Lord Manshoon—the Zhentarim's founder. The Zhentarim can also count amongst their forces some beholders (led by one named Xulla), many clerics of Bane, and (with much rarity, except in Darkhold) clerics of Cyric. The Zhentarim desire to enrich themselves and control towns, villages, and entire realms along a trade route linking the Moonsea to the Sword Coast—the Waterdeep area, specifically—via Darkhold. Along that route, they smuggle slaves, poisons, and contraband. They have spies almost everywhere in northern, eastern and western Faerûn. Fzoul Chembryl, the ambitious Chosen High Priest of Iyachtu Xvim, joined the Zhentarim when Lord Manshoon (then leader of the Zhentarim) forged an alliance with him. He served as second-in-command for years, seemingly content with his position, but he schemed with another high-ranking Zhentarim, the Lord Orgauth (the lord of Zhentil Keep who was, in fact, not human as he seemed, but a fell pit fiend) and eventually ousted Manshoon from power. Fzoul intended to turn the Zhentarim into an arm of the faith of Xvim (now the faith of Bane), and forced from the Zhentarim both loyalists to Manshoon (including Manshoon's lieutenant, the powerful mage Sememmon) and the faithful of the rival deity of Cyric. This led to a brewing war within the organization, with the western Zhentarim of Darkhold led by Sememmon and the Cyrisists opposing the Zhents and Banites, until Sememmon was forced to abandon Darkhold and go into hiding. The Zhentarim of Darkhold, however, led by the evil Cyrisist knight known as the Pereghost and a priest of Cyric called Dhamir Ercals, remain at odds and on the verge of war with the Banites. Fzoul, having slain Orgauth, had almost gained full control over the Zhentarim. An agreement made with Khelben Blackstaff has prevented Fzoul from organizing Zhentarim expansion into the Sword Coast, but the agreement would not last forever. Among the ranks of the Zhentarim's other major players are the Banite priest Teldorn Darkhope—the lord of the Zhentarim in Mintar, and a close ally of Fzoul—and Lady Scyllua Darkhope—Zhentil Keep's champion, who administers the defenses and day-to-day affairs of the keep itself. Apart from Fzoul, the most influential member of the Zhentarim remains Manshoon, for despite being forced from command and actually slain, his death awakened over a dozen magical clones who attacked each other in the so-called Manshoon Wars, and eventually several escaped, including one (seemingly the Manshoon) who returned to the Zhentarim some time later to work directly for Fzoul.