This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.
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| - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
| - This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.
- Als letzten Teil dieser Reihe stellt das Spiel Lightning als einzigen spielbaren Charakter in den Vordergrund. Die Handlung findet ungefähr 500 Jahre nach Final Fantasy XIII-2 statt und bietet eine neue Story, Welt, Charaktere und ein verbessertes Gameplaysystem. Anders als im Vorgänger gibt es dieses Mal jedoch wieder nur ein Ende, allerdings ist der Weg dorthin völlig variabel und hängt zum Großteil vom Spielstil ab. Altbekannte Charaktere wie zum Beispiel Hope, Snow und Fang haben erneute Gastauftritte.
- Lightning will be the only playable character with Hope Estheim giving guidance to the player over intercom. The game will involve her battle to save the world from destruction, set against the awakening of the ancient god Bhunivelze. Players will also have the ability to customize her appearance and weapons. It has recently been revealed that Snow Villiers will be in the game with a new outfit, though nothing more is known at this time. Square Enix has revealed that a trailer for the game will be shown to the public at the 2013 Jump Festa.
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII est le dernier épisode de la "Saga Lightning" et fait partie de la compilation Fabula Nova Crystallis.
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII es la secuela directa de Final Fantasy XIII-2 y forma parte de la compilación Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy. Tratando de cerrar la trilogía que comenzó con Final Fantasy XIII, el juego presenta a Lightning como la protagonista. El juego tiene lugar cientos de años después de Final Fantasy XIII-2 y contará con "una nueva historia, mundo, personajes y un sistema de juego mejorado", de acuerdo con Square Enix.
- Unlike Final Fantasy XIII-2, the game's retail version contains the complete story, meaning players won't have to purchase downloadable content. Also unlike its predecessor, the game has just one ending. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII was announced to come for Steam in the wake of Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. However, the stated Spring 2015 release window passed with no news. In June 2015 Square Enix tweeted that the game was still coming for Steam, but could not confirm a release date. In November the release date was announced for 10th December 2015.
- <default>Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII</default> , Raitoningu Ritānzu: Fainaru Fantajī Sātīn?) Разработчики Издатели Даты выхода Жанр Режимы игры Возрастные ограничения Платформы Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - прямое продолжение Final Fantasy XIII-2 и часть серии Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy. Является завершающей игрой в трилогии Final Fantasy XIII с Лайтнинг в качестве главной героини. События игры происходят спустя пятьсот лет после окончания Final Fantasy XIII-2, где Лайтнинг ждет последнее сражение с новым божеством. Попутно она должна спасти людские души из обреченного на гибель мира.
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| - Japanisch, Englisch, Deutsch
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| - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
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- 2013-11-21(xsd:date)
- PlayStation 3 y Xbox 360
| - ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII
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| - Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
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| - ライトニング リターンズ ファイナルファンタジーXIII
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