| - Plato was an author whose work had been banned in Mega-City One.
- right|thumb|163px|Plato cuspis ut a bird ut est super ut curtus in suus caput capitis. Plato, cuius nomen opes "procerus , atrum , quod speciosus unus ", eram a vigoratus philosopher ex ancient Cupiditas quisnam sermo ut sui totus vicis ( quod is accersitus " alternis sermonibus ").
- Plato is a stuffed pig that previously belonged to The Brain. It was named after Plato, the well known Greek philosopher who lived from 348 BC to 427 BC. Plato was first mentioned by the Brain in "Desperately Seeking Stanley". He said he gave it to someone who appreciated him more, who turned out to be Mrs. Tibble, as Plato is seen in her doll room later in the episode.
- Plato was the father of didacticism. His belief was that the only literature that should be read was that which taught virtuous and moral values, and thus had social and cultural value. Plato is also considered to be one of the great prose stylists of the Greek language.
- Plato is the owner of Plato's Republic Casino.
- Plato was a 4th century Greek philosopher. His teachings and writings, especially The Republic (expounding on justice and forms of government) have been influential on Western Philosophy, although he also was an important figure in science and mathematics. His most famous student was Aristotle. In the 1996 Creature Shop TV movie Gulliver's Travels, Plato is among the historical figures conjured in the home of The Sorceror, along with Cleopatra, Archimedes, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and Mark Antony, among others. He argues briefly about when the existence of the soul begins.
- Plato is the son of Eve and Demon Pluto whose talent is to animate dead creatures. With his talent, he may become the new Zombie Master. For a time Eve had a difficult time keeping governesses, however, Zosi eventually became his governess to help replenish the zombie population.
- This little pet loves to use its mind. Plato was named after an ancient philosopher. It enjoys cold climates and doing belly flops on ice.
- A red and white teenage tom, who performs a pas de deux with Victoria during the Jellicle Ball. In most productions, Plato is interchangeable with Admetus, but in the 1998 film Plato and Admetus are separate characters. File:Plato.png
- Aristocles (Αριστόκλης, translit. Aristóklēs), commonly known as Plato, is the author of books, including Parmenides, The Republic, Timaeus and The Symposium.
- Plato was a great Greek philosopher. In a vision given to Iolaus by Athena, Plato discussed the nature of beauty with Iolaus and Socrates.
- Plato is a cat in the musical Cats. His name is mentioned in "The Naming of Cats". Plato's main function in the stage show is as the identity of the actor who also plays Macavity. Plato originated in the Broadway production, in which many characters were re-named from the original London production. Most subsequent productions copied Broadway.
- Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher, and the first known writer to mention Atlantis. His works concerning Atlantis are Timaeus, Critias and Hermocrates. Plato was also the mentor of Aristolte. Plato's fame, and his name, remained popular in the following centuries. The was a plaque in the Biblioteca di San Barnaba quoting Plato for having said "I have a love for these books that transcends passion and sexuality... there's just no good word to describe it". Even a donkey in Greece shared his name.
- Plato was a philosopher who lived on Earth, in classical Greece, who suggested the idea that worlds such as Earth were only copies of another, more real, version of that world. Digory Kirke later discovered this to be true when he and the other Seven Friends of Narnia found that Aslan's Country was the real version of Earth, Narnia and other worlds. He also made a minor joke about how children should have been taught better about Plato's work in schools.
- In the story In Carcosa, The King, Kelly Beck claims that the philosopher Plato mentioned Carcosa at least once.
- Plato is a high-tech motorcycle, capable of high speeds and incredible maneuverability. Plato is one of the vehicles that are part of Team knight rider and is driven by Kevin Sanders.
- Plato is one of the half-dozen most influential philosophers in world history, and his work is studied today in every philosophy departme nt. Plato's most famous work is The Republic. One of Plato's pupils was Aristotle, an equally important philosopher with a very different philosophy. Although Plato cannot be described as a theist, he influenced the Greek neo-Platonism from the second and third centuries BCE, which did have a major influence on early Christian teachings.
- Plato also known as Platon (428/427 BC – 348/347 BC), whose original name was Aristocles, was an Ancient Greek philosopher, the second of the great trio of ancient Greeks –succeeding Socrates and preceding Aristotle– who between them laid the philosophical foundations of Western culture. Plato was also a mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the western world. Plato is widely believed to have been a student of Socrates, and to have been as much influenced by his thinking as by what he saw as his teacher's unjust death.
- Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who laid the philosophical foundations of the Homosexual Agenda, communism, NAMBLA and liberalism with his treatise The Republic. There is a common misconception that there is some form of connection between The United States Republican Party and Plato's perverted liberal rant The Republic. This is an absolute fallacy, it is a undisbuted fact among linguistic circles that the American word Republican derives from the English expression "Reputable American", a term of endearment used by the British to distinguish members of God's Own Party from filthy liberals.
- Plato (voiced by Frank Welker) was a rooster who made two appearances on the farm. He first appeared to check on his large rabbits (which he refers to as "bunny rabbits"), having previously sent Orson the grammatically incorrect message "The bunny rabbits is coming!"
- Plato was a philosopher in ancient Athens and a student of Socrates, Plato helped teach Aristotle. He is one of the most important philosopher in all of western history. Plato was born into a wealthy family and tended to support the idea of rule by the wealthy or the wise. Plato may have taken too little account of how far wealthy people and also intelligent people with good understanding can be corrupted by power. Another aspect of Platonism, the idea that the Universe is interconnected and different parts affect each other is clearly true.
- Platon (latinisiert Plato) ist griechischer Philosoph und Schüler von Sokrates. Platon lebt im fünften und vierten Jahrhundert vor Christus. Unter anderem schreibt er: Was wir sehen sind nur die armseligen Schatten der idealen Objekte, die auf einer höheren Ebene existieren. Diese Philosophie ähnelt sehr der der Drayaner. (VOY: ) Seine Philosophie wird auch von den Vulkaniern rezipiert. Ergebnisse dieser Analyse werden in dem Buch Eine Höhle jenseits der Logik: Platos Gedankenwelt aus vulkanischer Sicht publiziert. (VOY: )
- Plato (Greek: Πλάτων, Plátōn, "broad") (428/427 BC[a] – 348/347 BC), was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy. Plato was originally a student of Socrates, and was as much influenced by his thinking as by what he saw as his teacher's unjust death.
- Plato was a noted Greek philosopher, a student of Socrates, who lived on Earth during the 5th and 4th centuries BC. As a noted philosopher, Plato preserved the tales of the ancient city of Atlantis which had been swallowed up by the ocean. Plato was the author of The Republic. (DS9 - Section 31 novel: Abyss) By the 24th century, the Atlantis Project had created a man-made island in the Atlantic Ocean on Earth and had named it Platonis in honor of Plato. (NF novel: Stone and Anvil)
- * plato ; (Dé latín *plattus, platus, plano). m. Rezipiénte baho i reóndo, kon’ una konkavidá en medio i borde pó lo komún plano arreó, empleáo en lah mezah pa zerví loh’ alimentoh i komé en’ è i pa otroh uzoh. 2. Platiyo dela balanza. 3. Alimento ke ze zirve n’ un plato. Rezurtó un plato ehkizito. 4. Kantidá ke kontiéne un plato. Ze komió doh platoh d’ abixuélah. 5. N’ un tokadihkoh, piéza de hexura zirkulá zobre la ke ze koloka er dihko. 6. N’ una bihikleta, ruéa dentá k’ unía a loh pedaleh, ze komunika mediánte la kadena kon loh pinyoneh dela ruéa trazera. 7. Tema de murmurazión. 8. Arkitettura. Ohnato ke ze pone ner frizo de l’ orden dóriko zobre la metopa i entre loh triglifoh. 9. Deporte. Dihko d’ arziya ke zirve de blanko en lah pruébah de tiro ar plato. Plato kombináo. m. E
- Plato (423 - 347 B.C.), whose name means "the Squat One," was a homeless vagrant and occasional self-employed babysitter in ancient Greece who talked to himself all the time, a practice he called "dialoguing." Originally, he merely startled wild hogs, but he quickly gained a small cult following. As his ideas spread across Greece, like every great philosopher, he cultivated a sizeable beard and wore his trademark bed sheet and sandals. Unfortunately, he was denied admission into the School of Philosophy, on account of his habit of idly juggling his own severed testicles.
- Plato was a classical Greek philosopher, a student of Socrates, who lived during the 4th and 5th century BC. Parmen and the other natives of Sahndara called themselves Platonians and their new planet Platonius because they claimed to follow Plato's philosophy, but Spock noted that Plato wanted truth, beauty, and, above all, justice, which the Platonians did not seem to care too much about. (TOS: "Plato's Stepchildren" )