| - Before the action of the film, the Golden Arm kid was a famous bandit and killer, his skill and infamy matched only by that of the Iron Foot Kid . File:Kid with the Golden Arm 金臂童 He eventually advanced from acting as an individual thief and started the Deadly Valley Clan with his lietnenants SIlver Spear, Iron Armor, and Brass Helmet. This clan was notable because leadership was based off of Martial Prowess rather than age or political standing. The Clan committed many infamous crimes, and became one of teh most feared groups in the Martial Arts world. An oppurtunity for a great crime was presented when kmperial agent Yang Hu Yunand several other heroes were preparing to transport 200,000 taels of gold across their valley. The Golden Arm Kid sent his gang against Jin Bei's Heroes, to various levels of effectiveness. He evntually presented himself to the entire guard, and, managing to sho superiority to all of them (while killing nome) left to formulate a better plan. Battles between the guard and the deadly valley raged, eventually leaving all but the Golden Arm Kid and 3 guards remained. Eventually, Swordsmen Li-Chin-Ming challenged him to a duel, where the Golden Arm Kid easily defeated an killed him, much to the anger of his Ming's fiance, Miss Ling. AFter this, The Golden Arm kid caught up with the Taels, but Agent Hai Tuo appeared and fought him fairly evenly, eventually blinding him with liquor. After this The Iron Foot Kid broke out of teh cart and killed Jin Bie, than slashed Hai Tuo with a sword. even blinded, the Golden Arm Kid was able to defeat Iron Feeet, and, seeing how futile his actions were, stated taht he would retire from crime. just then Miss Leng found him and stabbed him to death.