| - Urdnot Wrex is a famous krogan of Clan Urdnot regarded as a mercenary and bounty hunter. Despite his chosen path of violence and killing for credits, Wrex is deeply concerned with the fate of his people after the genophage, and is one of the few planning for a new krogan future. Born a few years after the end of the Krogan Rebellions on Tuchanka, Wrex became the youngest krogan to become a leader, and also became the only one to successfully kill a thresher maw during his rite of passage. He became a battle master and urged the tribes to forget all about war and focus on increasing their population. His father, Warlord Jarrod, feigned he would talk to his son, but then ambushed him. Wrex survived, but was forced to kill his own father. Disgusted by how low the krogan had fallen form their roots of courage, honor, nobility, and heroism, Wrex gave up all hope and left to become a mercenary for several centuries.