| - Retsina was a Greek white resinated wine that was on Earth for thousands of years. Its unique flavor came from the practice of sealing the wine vessels with Aleppo Pine resin. Although Admiral Aristophones Georgides' father liked it very much, the Admiral himself could never understand why anyone would drink it voluntarily. (HH6)
- Wikipedia Article About Retsina on Wikipedia Retsina is a Greek resinated white (or rosé) wine that has been made for at least 2700 years. Its unique flavor is said to have originated from the practice of sealing wine vessels, particularly amphora, with pine resin in ancient times. Before the invention of impermeable glass bottles, oxygen caused many wines to spoil within the year. Pine resin helped keep air out, while at the same time infusing the wine with resin aroma. In time the practice of adding resin to the fermenting must have flavored the wine even more strongly, and apparently kept it better preserved.
| - Wikipedia Article About Retsina on Wikipedia Retsina is a Greek resinated white (or rosé) wine that has been made for at least 2700 years. Its unique flavor is said to have originated from the practice of sealing wine vessels, particularly amphora, with pine resin in ancient times. Before the invention of impermeable glass bottles, oxygen caused many wines to spoil within the year. Pine resin helped keep air out, while at the same time infusing the wine with resin aroma. In time the practice of adding resin to the fermenting must have flavored the wine even more strongly, and apparently kept it better preserved. The Romans began to use barrels in the 3rd century AD, removing any enological necessity for resin, but the flavor itself was so popular that the style is still widespread today. It is perhaps the most commonly-drunk wine in Greece (though not equally popular in all its regions), and, given its strong flavor, is best served with the strongly herbed dishes characteristic of Greek cuisine and Mediterranean cuisine in general.
- Retsina was a Greek white resinated wine that was on Earth for thousands of years. Its unique flavor came from the practice of sealing the wine vessels with Aleppo Pine resin. Although Admiral Aristophones Georgides' father liked it very much, the Admiral himself could never understand why anyone would drink it voluntarily. (HH6)