| - Cost: 300
- "Hearth" is the 11th level in Dungeon Keeper. Hearth is a Tower Defense map. The Heroes from the world above mean business, and they seem to have your pre-built dungeon surrounded. Minions need to be managed with speed and care to be kept alive here. The structure of the match is this: within 90 seconds or so, Hero Parties will steadily enter from all four sides and attack. There is a long first wave of low-grade parties, dangerous through numbers, followed by a short breather and a final showdown against the Lord of the Land and his allies. __TOC__
- The Contracts of Hearth are a set of changeling abilities found in Changeling: The Lost. It is a universal contract, available to any changeling who wishes to take it. Hearth Contracts are a set of beneficial abilities, that, unlike the other Contracts, do not have a Catch to them. Instead, if a changeling tries to abuse or over-use the abilities of the Hearth, the powers reach a limit known as the Ban; any further attempts to call on the skill backlash against the changeling. Hearth contracts also work automatically without rolling.
- Hearth can be found on Ringfell.
- Has a World of Warcraft specific meaning and a more generic meaning: 1.
* The act of using a Hearthstone. 2.
* A fireplace inside a building that usually serves as a Cooking Fire. Pronounced "Harth".
- Has a World of Warcraft specific meaning and a more generic meaning: 1.
* The act of using a Hearthstone. 2.
* A fireplace inside a building that usually serves as a Cooking Fire. Pronounced "Harth".
- The Hearth is the Dwarven equivalent of the Well of Men, healing wounded troops and replenishing battalion numbers. It addition to regular build plots, it can also be constructed on the two special build plots near the citadel unlocked through research at a level 3 Dwarven Stonemason (Line of Defense). Furthermore, a Battlewagon can be upgraded with a Hearth to heal nearby allies out on the battlefield.
- The city of Hearth began its construction in the year 1162 under the Republic of Novania. The Republic of Novania was founded by Antonellan refugees from Alenthyl after the Broadwing attacks, and was lead by a man named Jean Valentin as Patron. The city was completed in 1164, as a large number of refugees from Volvar arrived after the Rifts expanded and permeated much of the land. He had gone under the guise of Cedric to enslave the Dimia, and the Broadwing had been his. The Novanians hunted Rein’Unger down and slew him.
- Hearth is the Puppeteer homeworld and one of the Fleet of Worlds. It has a population of around one trillion and is covered by arcologies, most over one mile tall. It generates so much waste heat it no longer requires a star for warmth. The Puppeteers had to make some drastic alterations to their home system, during their history, as global warming and overindustrialisation was rapidly making their planet uninhabitable. They moved their planet further from their sun, to lessen the effects of global warming. Eventually the system was rearranged as the Fleet of Worlds.