| - "Maybe we should offer Deityr Goldfoot terms."
- "Jon, Ella, this is your home too. The Goldfoots are your enemies. Should we heed this?"
- "Rona? Have we heard anything from Jayne? What's happening in the capital?"
- "Tommen won't do anything until Margaery is free. And the Hand won't send his men to war."
- "What do you think, Maester? Will King Tommen risk his men to defend House Goldfoot?"
- Rona frowns, worried. "All I've heard from Jayne is that Queen Cersei returned to the Red Keep. King Tommen has still withdrawn from court."
- "We should send the Hand our own petition, citing House Goldfoot's crimes against us."
- When you return, Maester Lucas reads the letter. "The question is, does King Tommen mean his promise of support? Or was it an expedient thing to say?"
- "This is a measter's hand," Maester Lucas observes. "Tommen is still locked in his rooms. No doubt Kevan Lannister had a maester draft this letter."
- "It's gone too far. If we retreat, Goldfoot will retaliate," Jon says, but Ella wavers. "Tommen still commands a great army. Do we want to risk it?"