| - Noghri jsou asi 1,5 m vysocí. Díky tomu jsou velmi hbití a mrštní. Jejich kultura je srovnatelná s wookieeskou. Noghrijové jsou od mala cvičeni k boji - a jsou v něm opravdu dobří. Na vrcholu jejich politické hierarchie se nachází Matka ta předsedá všem jednotlivým matkám rodů. Všichni Noghrijové ji uznávají jako nejvyšší autoritu, ale dokaží ji i, ale jen v malé míře, odporovat.
- Noghri were a primitive humanoid species. They had steely gray or blue skin, and were extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Despite their small size, they were efficient killing machines, with claws, fangs, and a sense of smell so acute, they could smell one's blood. They were much like the Wookiee species culturally, in that they respected honor above all else. Noghri society was clan-based, revolving around the dukha, or community building, at the center of each village.
- The Noghri were totally awesome aliens capable of beating up Wookiees with their bare hands (except for Chewbacca) and if someone says they did just remember its a bald-faced lie. They worked for the Empire for a while until Princess Leia bribed them to join the New Republic. One famous Noghri was Cakhmaim.
- The Noghri were a species from the planet Honoghr. They were used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
- Los Noghri (pronunciado 'no:.gri:) eran una especie humanoide primitiva. Tenían piel gris o azul y eran asesinos extremadamente hábiles gracias a sus capacidades en sigilo y combate mano a mano. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño eran eficientes máquinas de matar, con garras, colmillos y un sentido del olfato tan agudo que podían reconocer los lazos familiares (como lo ejemplifica la identificación de Khabarakh de que Leia Organa Solo era la hija y heredera de Darth Vader). Culturalmente eran parecidos a los wookiees, pues respetaban el honor sobre todo lo demás. La sociedad noghri se basaba en clanes, girando alrededor de la dukha o edificio comunitario, en el centro de cada aldea.
- Noghri (pronounced /'no.gɹi/) were a primitive humanoid species. They had steely gray or blue skin, and were extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Despite their small size, they were efficient killing machines, with claws, fangs, and a sense of smell so acute, they could smell one's bloodline (as exemplified by Khabarakh's identification of Leia Organa Solo as Darth Vader's daughter and heir). They were much like the Wookiee species culturally, in that they respected honor above all else. Noghri society was clan-based, revolving around the dukha, or community building, at the center of each village.
- Noghri (pronounced /'no.gɹi/) were a primitive humanoid species. They had steely gray or blue skin, and were extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Despite their small size, they were efficient killing machines, with claws, fangs, and a sense of smell so acute, they could smell one's bloodline (as exemplified by Khabarakh's identification of Leia Organa Solo as Darth Vader's daughter, which made her the Mal'ary'ush). They were much like the Wookiee species culturally, in that they respected honor above all else. Noghri society was clan-based, revolving around the dukha, or community building, at the center of each village.
- The Noghri was released in 2005 with the Universe set.
- The Noghri were nearly wiped out during the era of the Clone Wars, when starships from the Old Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems went to battle over the surface of Honoghr. The Separatist ship was destroyed, and plummeted to the ground, releasing noxious chemicals and rendering much of the planet uninhabitable. Years later, the entire battle was believed to have been only a ruse that was perpetrated by then-Chancellor Palpatine, as a way to reduce the will of the Noghri and bend them to his own uses. The Emperor dispatched Darth Vader to offer assistance to the Noghri, who were only too happy to accept. The price for their salvation was that they had to send their sons to Palpatine for use as silent commandos. Palpatine had all knowledge of the Noghri erased from the Impe
- Homeworld: Honoghr Description: Noghri are primitive humanoid species. They have steely gray skin, and are extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. They are much like the Wookiee species culturally, in that they respect honor above all else. Following the death of Thrawn, the Noghri came into the service of the New Republic. They helped resettle the Noghri to other planets (including Wayland) to give Honoghr time to heal. Leia and her entire family became very highly respected figures in Noghri society.
- The Noghri are a race of small, grey-skinned humanoids with sharp, needle-like teeth and menacing claws. Despite their smaller stature (around 1.5 meters), the Noghri posess formidable physical skills. In addition to their lightning-quick reflexes, Noghri have an uncanny ability to move without being seen or heard; in fact, most humans find it unnerving and annoying when Noghri sneak up behind them without even attempting to do so. They are also well-trained in their own form of martial arts.