| - Zafirah has given you an illusion potion so you can mingle in the caves to the northeast ( , , ) /waypoint , , where the vermin seem to be concentrating. She has asked that you seek out any signs that the vermin are intelligent. Note that you cannot havey our mount on when using the illusion form. Mining while in illusion form causes you to lose the illusion. 1.
* Use the illusion potion Ungeziefer-Illusionstrank and look for any sign that the vermin are intelligent. 2.
* Look for any items that may point to the vermin being intelligent (Kochtopf) ( , , ) /waypoint , , 3.
* Look for any items that may point to the vermin being intelligent (Stapel Bücher) ( , , ) /waypoint , , 4.
* Look for any items that may point to the vermin being intelligent (offenes Buch) ( , , ) /waypoint , , 5.
* Look for any items that may point to the vermin being intelligent (Waffenregal) ( , , ) /waypoint , , 6.
* Return to Zafirah Aamira