Ichthyosaurus were smaller than most of their relatives, with individuals measuring up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) in length. Hundreds of well-preserved, fossilised skeletons have been found in Jurassic rock at Holzmaden, Germany. Some of the bones were still articulated. Some fossils still had baby specimens inside them, indicating that Ichthyosaurus was viviparous. Similar finds in the related Stenopterygius also show this. The German fossils also featured the outline of Ichthyosaurus's skin, revealing that it had a fleshy dorsal fin on its back and a large caudal fin. Other ichthyosaur fossils showed this feature was not limited to Ichthyosaurus.
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- Ichthyosaurus
- Ichthyosaurus
- Ichthyosaurus
| - thumb|324px Ichthyosaurus era mas pequeños que muchos de sus parientes midiendo unos 2 metros de largo. Cientos de esqueletos fosiles bien preservados se han encontrado en rocas jurasicas de Holzmaden, en Alemania. Algunos de estos huesos aun estaban articulados algunos fosiles aun contenian especimenes de crias dentro de ellos, lo que indica que el Ichthyosaurus era viviparo.
- Ichthyosaurier (taxonomische Bezeichnung: Xenotherus icthycanthus) sind Xen-Außerirdische aus Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift und Half-Life 2. Bei den Ichthyosauriern handelt es sich um relativ große Wasserraubtiere vom Planeten Xen, die nach der Resonanzkaskade in Black Mesa auf der Erde heimisch wurden, zuvor aber bereits von Wissenschaftlern der Black Mesa Research Facility erforscht worden sind.
- Ichthyosaurus (or Ichthyosaur) Wikipedia 1.
* Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic period to the Cretaceous Period
- Ichthyosaurus were smaller than most of their relatives, with individuals measuring up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) in length. Hundreds of well-preserved, fossilised skeletons have been found in Jurassic rock at Holzmaden, Germany. Some of the bones were still articulated. Some fossils still had baby specimens inside them, indicating that Ichthyosaurus was viviparous. Similar finds in the related Stenopterygius also show this. The German fossils also featured the outline of Ichthyosaurus's skin, revealing that it had a fleshy dorsal fin on its back and a large caudal fin. Other ichthyosaur fossils showed this feature was not limited to Ichthyosaurus.
- Ichthyosaurus is an extinct genus of ichthyosaur from the Early Jurassic (Hettangian - Sinemurian) of Europe (Belgium, England, Switzerland). It is among the best known ichthyosaur genera, with the Order Ichthyosauria being named after it.Ichthyosaurus was the first complete fossil to be discovered in the early 1800's by Mary Anning in England.
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| - Ichthyosaurus tenuirostris skeleton.
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| - (Conybeare, 1822 )
*I. breviceps
- (Conybeare, 1822)
- (Lydekker, 1888)
*I. intermedius
- (Owen, 1881)
*I. conybeari
- *I. communis
| - (De la Beche & Conybeare, 1821)
- Ichthyosaurus
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| - thumb|324px Ichthyosaurus era mas pequeños que muchos de sus parientes midiendo unos 2 metros de largo. Cientos de esqueletos fosiles bien preservados se han encontrado en rocas jurasicas de Holzmaden, en Alemania. Algunos de estos huesos aun estaban articulados algunos fosiles aun contenian especimenes de crias dentro de ellos, lo que indica que el Ichthyosaurus era viviparo.
- Ichthyosaurier (taxonomische Bezeichnung: Xenotherus icthycanthus) sind Xen-Außerirdische aus Half-Life, Opposing Force, Blue Shift und Half-Life 2. Bei den Ichthyosauriern handelt es sich um relativ große Wasserraubtiere vom Planeten Xen, die nach der Resonanzkaskade in Black Mesa auf der Erde heimisch wurden, zuvor aber bereits von Wissenschaftlern der Black Mesa Research Facility erforscht worden sind.
- Ichthyosaurus (or Ichthyosaur) Wikipedia 1.
* Any of various extinct fishlike marine reptiles of the order Ichthyosauria of the Triassic period to the Cretaceous Period
- Ichthyosaurus were smaller than most of their relatives, with individuals measuring up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) in length. Hundreds of well-preserved, fossilised skeletons have been found in Jurassic rock at Holzmaden, Germany. Some of the bones were still articulated. Some fossils still had baby specimens inside them, indicating that Ichthyosaurus was viviparous. Similar finds in the related Stenopterygius also show this. The German fossils also featured the outline of Ichthyosaurus's skin, revealing that it had a fleshy dorsal fin on its back and a large caudal fin. Other ichthyosaur fossils showed this feature was not limited to Ichthyosaurus.
- Ichthyosaurus is an extinct genus of ichthyosaur from the Early Jurassic (Hettangian - Sinemurian) of Europe (Belgium, England, Switzerland). It is among the best known ichthyosaur genera, with the Order Ichthyosauria being named after it.Ichthyosaurus was the first complete fossil to be discovered in the early 1800's by Mary Anning in England.