The Co-Optional Podcast Animated is an online YouTube animated web-series. The show started with an unconfirmed pilot episode, CO OP Podcast Animated, which aired on November 26th, 2013. The show was officially created and released on February 25th, 2014, and has continued to release episodes ever since. While the show originally aired on the channel, Polaris, after a dispute over certain things, it was pulled from the channel and has since aired on TotalBiscuit's channel, TheCynicalBrit. The animator of the show has since started a Patreon in order to fund more episodes.
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| - The Co-Optional Podcast Animated
| - The Co-Optional Podcast Animated is an online YouTube animated web-series. The show started with an unconfirmed pilot episode, CO OP Podcast Animated, which aired on November 26th, 2013. The show was officially created and released on February 25th, 2014, and has continued to release episodes ever since. While the show originally aired on the channel, Polaris, after a dispute over certain things, it was pulled from the channel and has since aired on TotalBiscuit's channel, TheCynicalBrit. The animator of the show has since started a Patreon in order to fund more episodes.
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| - Polaris and TheCynicalBrit/TotalBiscuit
TV Show Name
| - The Co-Optional Podcast Animated
| - The Co-Optional Podcast Animated is an online YouTube animated web-series. The show started with an unconfirmed pilot episode, CO OP Podcast Animated, which aired on November 26th, 2013. The show was officially created and released on February 25th, 2014, and has continued to release episodes ever since. While the show originally aired on the channel, Polaris, after a dispute over certain things, it was pulled from the channel and has since aired on TotalBiscuit's channel, TheCynicalBrit. The animator of the show has since started a Patreon in order to fund more episodes.