Jeremy Burns was a warlock who lived undercover as a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. He was the first evil being to come after the Charmed Ones once they came into their powers and was also the first evil being they vanquished.
Jeremy Burns was a warlock who lived undercover as a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. He was the first evil being to come after the Charmed Ones once they came into their powers and was also the first evil being they vanquished.
Jeremy Burns był czarownikiem żyjącym pod postacią śmiertelnego reportera San Francisco Chronicle. Był pierwszym wrogiem Czarodziejek, po tym jak odzyskały moce, i również pierwszym złym stworzeniem przez nie unicestwionym.
Jeremy Burns was a warlock who lived undercover as a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. He was the first evil being to come after the Charmed Ones once they came into their powers and was also the first evil being they vanquished.
Jeremy Burns był czarownikiem żyjącym pod postacią śmiertelnego reportera San Francisco Chronicle. Był pierwszym wrogiem Czarodziejek, po tym jak odzyskały moce, i również pierwszym złym stworzeniem przez nie unicestwionym.