| - n
- "Happy New Years!
* This item is for use in the New Years event."
- H,是包括英文在内,欧洲高达八成的国家的语言的第八个字母,在ACG的世界中与糟糕物有关。
- Hand Ball 手球 Hippodrome 馬術競技場 High Jump 跳高 HOrsemanship 馬術 Hockey 曲棍球(物)冰球(物)打曲棍球用的球棒 Horse Racing 賽馬 Hang Glider 滑翔翼運動員 Hammer 鏈球
- "h" [cit.]
- H, which is often confused with J, is the letter of the alphabet that is most commonly associated with Japan. Most things that come out of Japan start with the letter H, including Hondas, hentai, and hellacious video games. This despite the fact that there is no letter H in any of the Japanese writing systems.
- H. Hitler. A bad bad man who had many patients. He stole Christmas. See: Jamie O'Connell.
- H is the eighth letter in the English alphabet.
- SLASH'EM introduces new creatures that use the h and H glyphs:
* h humanoid:
* h dwarf thief
* h duergar
* h deep one
* h deeper one
* h deepest one
* H giant humanoid:
* H The Largest Giant
- H is the second letter of the numberbet, or at least, that's what is often speculated, whether it's actually true or not, we may or may not ever know. Previous letter: "G" Next letter: "I"
- Health / Action / Mind - The three bars or pools each character and MOB has that represent their life (Health) and their capability to do abilities (action and mind). When a player or MOB takes damage or does an action, these pools are depleted. When health reaches zero, a player is incapacitated and a MOB is killed. For more in-depth information, read the HAM Display article. The update on April 2, 2006 (Publish 27.9) removed the Mind bar of the HAM.
- H has a part-time job at SEGA, but he just sits there playing shames on his computer, getting paychecks. Sonic protested, but they shot him with a tranquilizer dart.
- H only appears in The Catchphrase when Mung Daal tries to come up with a catchphrase.Mung's response to this is "Wouldn't go far with a phrase like H".H is seen to have several babies,all just lowercase Hs.
- H is a letter. It is one of the 21 consonants. It's a symbol for Hospital. In a day, you may use the letter H over 2,000 times!
- Hooray for H! Hai! Haj? No, no need to jump the shark! To be honest, I'd never have thought you'd ever get this far. Far out, dude! What are you smoking? Cheese? That makes no sense. No sense. I do not sense any sense. My sensor must be broken.
- Works with Angel and Dr. Brontis at Friedrich and John Pharmaceutical.
- Hába * Habágat * Habang * Haboy * Habulan * Hadji * Hagad * Hagad Hubad * Hagbong * Hagdánan * Hagibis * Hágis * Hagis Kapit-Bagsak * Hagis Kalawit * Hagis Sampay-Bakod * Hagít * Hágod * Hagud * Hagupít * Hakbáng * Haklís * Halá! * Halaán * Halagá * Halálan * Halamánan * Haláng * Halik * Halimáw * Halimbawa * Halo-Halo * Halos * Hambálos * Hambak * Hámon * Hampak * Hampak y Atip * Hampás * Hana * Hánapbuhay * Hanay * Han-ay * Handá * Handá ka * Handâ na * Handóg * Handusáy * Hangárin * Hanggáng * Hángin * Hangin Sa Upat * Hantóng * Hápag * Hapdí * Hapó * Hápon * Hapos * Hapsanay * Hárang * Harang na Pataas * Haráp * Hart, Emanuel * Hartmann, Timothy J. „Tim“ * Harvey, John * Hatag * Hátak * Hataw * Hatíin * Haula * Hawak * Hawakan * Hawakán * Hawak Gina * Hawak-Gitna * Hawak Laslas * Haw
- Példa: H 34 paranccsal használhatod az ásódat. Az olimpiára való nevezés a H 1 paranccsal történik, 0 TVP-ért. Második paraméterként meg kell adnod, hogy a nevezési díjat miben fizeted. Ha aranyban, akkor H 1 50 -et írjál. Ha nincs aranyad, valamilyen más tárgyat írjál, amiből a rendelkezésedre álló mennyiség legalább 10 aranyat ér (azt, hogy mi mennyit ér, tapasztaltabb barátaidtól tudhatod meg). Pl. ha van a birtokodban 12 drótszőr, akkor a H 1 37 parancs kiadása azt fogja jelenteni, hogy a nevezési díjat 10 drótszőrrel rovod le (mivel egy drótszőr 1 aranyat ér). Pl. a fekete gyöngy értéke 6 arany, ebből 2 elég a nevezésre. Ha a paraméterként megadott tárgyból nincs a birtokodban 10 arany értékű, a parancs kudarcot vall. (Ha nem vagy biztos a tárgy értékében, akkor akár több nevező para
- Le H est une lettre inutile. Elle ne sert à rien mais on va essayer de ne pas lui dire pour ne pas la vexer. Elle est très timide et ne dit rien, sauf si elle est accompagné d'un de ses trois amis, le C, le P, le S. On l'utilise pour faire plus joli. Exemple:
* Opital : Hôpital
* Otel : Hôtel
* Élicoptère : Hélicoptère Accompagné de T ou de R, elle marque le caractère grec des lettres indiqués. Des fois elle sépare deux lettres.
* Taiti : Tahiti Cependant, en anglais ou en allemand, elle sert à « aspirer ». Méthode pour prononcer le H, faites comme si vous venez de boire un coup.
- H was a hunter mentioned in John Winchester's Journal. It's not clear exactly what his real name was, but from what John describes he was a very ruthless hunter willing to abandon a dying friend on a hunt. In the beginning, he served as a mentor to John. Even saving him on a hunt, which is how the two met. He was the one who told John about seances, hellhounds, and demons, to which John was skeptical at the time. He was present when John hunted Doc Benton, claiming the doctor was a Revenant. John didn't trust H, however he put up with him because he wanted to learn what H could teach him.
- The definitions on this page originally appeared on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's website. Habitat: The place where a population (e.g. human, animal, plant, microorganism) lives and its surroundings, both living and non-living. Habitat Indicator: A physical attribute of the environment measured to characterize conditions necessary to support an organism, population, or community in the absence of pollutants; e.g. salinity of estuarine waters or substrate type in streams or lakes. Halogen: A type of incandescent lamp with higher energy-efficiency that standard ones.