- A young man struggles with the aftermath of a romantic relationship.
- WAIT is a QUEST command used to make your script pause for a predefined amount of time. It has one argument.
- Wait is a song by The Beatles {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- a monster in wait for the doctor will shocking
- Wait, on the 1965 album Rubber Soul, has been pulled from Help!, with overdubbed instruments so that it would blend in with the musical theme of Rubber Soul.
- When the option to wait has been selected (through the key T on PC), a menu appears with a slider bar, which can be adjusted. Anywhere from 1 hour to 24 hours can be waited at one time. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a time-lapse occurs behind the waiting screen, showing shifting shadows and the change of sky color. The slider counts down each hour as it passes. Hours are displayed from left to right. Below the hours, the current year, month, and day are displayed.
- Wait is a command in all Fire Emblem games. It ends a unit's turn without performing any actions. Using the Wait command is mandatory if you move to a tile where you can perform no other commands such as Attack or Visit. A unit is also forced to wait if it encounters an unseen unit in Fog of War or if it encounters a trap. Using the Wait command while remaining stationary is usually a waste of time, unless your character is occupying a Fort in order to block enemy entry and/or restore HP, or your army is under an Order other than halt (or for the sake of giving Experience points to your Bard or Dancer as they only gain experience by playing or dancing for a 'gray' unit).