In spring of 100 AG, Team Avatar traveled to Wan Shi Tong's Library in order to find information about the Fire Nation, and possibly a way to end the War. It was there where Sokka discovered a piece of scorched parchment labeled "The Darkest Day in Fire Nation History". Curious, Sokka wanted to know what happened on the Darkest Day. Fortunately for him, he was led to a celestial calendar by one of Wan Shi Tong's animal servants. This calendar had the ability to place accurate models of the sun and the moon's position in relation to the Earth. By entering the date found on the parchment, Sokka was able to find that on the Darkest Day, a solar eclipse had occurred, causing firebenders to lose their bending ability, leaving them helpless. Sokka and Aang also found that the date of the next ec
Attributes | Values |
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| - Invasion of the Fire Nation
| - In spring of 100 AG, Team Avatar traveled to Wan Shi Tong's Library in order to find information about the Fire Nation, and possibly a way to end the War. It was there where Sokka discovered a piece of scorched parchment labeled "The Darkest Day in Fire Nation History". Curious, Sokka wanted to know what happened on the Darkest Day. Fortunately for him, he was led to a celestial calendar by one of Wan Shi Tong's animal servants. This calendar had the ability to place accurate models of the sun and the moon's position in relation to the Earth. By entering the date found on the parchment, Sokka was able to find that on the Darkest Day, a solar eclipse had occurred, causing firebenders to lose their bending ability, leaving them helpless. Sokka and Aang also found that the date of the next ec
| - * Southern Water Tribe
* Earth Kingdom
* Foggy Swamp Tribe
* Team Avatar
- * Fire Nation
* Dai Li
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| - * Unknown number of soldiers killed or wounded
* Unknown number of tanks destroyed
* Unknown number of war balloons destroyed
* Major infrastructural damage
- * All warriors imprisoned
* Unkown number of warriors injured
* All submarines destroyed
* All tanks captured
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| - "The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion"
| - * Avatar Aang
* Chief Hakoda
* Sokka
* Bato
* Tyro
- * Fire Lord Ozai
* Princess Azula
| - "The Day of Black Sun, Part 2: The Eclipse"
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| - * Strategic Fire Nation victory
* Invading army either captured or withdraws
* Status quo ante bellum
* Prince Zuko defects from the Fire Nation
| - * Team Avatar
* Earth Kingdom regular soldiers
* Earthbender rebels
* Earth Kingdom volunteers
* Southern Water Tribe warriors
* Foggy Swamp waterbenders
* Five earthbending-powered tanks
* Five waterbending-powered submarines
- * Firebending soldiers
* Nonbending soldiers
* Dai Li agents
* Tundra tanks
* Battlements
* War balloons
* Airships
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| - In spring of 100 AG, Team Avatar traveled to Wan Shi Tong's Library in order to find information about the Fire Nation, and possibly a way to end the War. It was there where Sokka discovered a piece of scorched parchment labeled "The Darkest Day in Fire Nation History". Curious, Sokka wanted to know what happened on the Darkest Day. Fortunately for him, he was led to a celestial calendar by one of Wan Shi Tong's animal servants. This calendar had the ability to place accurate models of the sun and the moon's position in relation to the Earth. By entering the date found on the parchment, Sokka was able to find that on the Darkest Day, a solar eclipse had occurred, causing firebenders to lose their bending ability, leaving them helpless. Sokka and Aang also found that the date of the next eclipse was only months away, and before Sozin's Comet was due to arrive. Team Avatar took this information to the Earth King to gain his approval of an invasion on that day. However, Princess Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee arrived at the city disguised as Kyoshi Warriors. The Earth King, believing the trio to be allies, told them the details of the invasion. Not long after, Azula took control of the Dai Li agents and took over the great Earth Kingdom Capital of Ba Sing Se, effectively conquering the Earth Kingdom. In his attempt to save the great city, Aang was critically injured by Azula and his ability to enter the Avatar State disabled. Team Avatar regrouped days later along with Hakoda and the rest of the Southern Water Tribe at Chameleon Bay, where they re-evaluated their battle strategy for the invasion. Their new plan for the invasion during the eclipse had to be altered slightly, because they could not launch a major attack on the Fire Nation without the massive Earth Kingdom armies. The new plan called for a ragtag team of Team Avatar's allies from around the Earth Kingdom to help in their cause. They also commissioned the mechanist, a friend of Sokka, to design and produce a wide variety of new weapons that could be used during the course of the invasion. Aang, Sokka, Katara, and Toph hid out within the Fire Nation and waited until the day of the eclipse.
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