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- A sootie aboard The Spotted Custard.
- Pepper (Black pepper)
- Puff was a witty wannabe bounty hunter and the best friend of Onyx.
- Dracoid magic user in the realm of Necromundus.
- Puff fled and went into hiding when Dragon Lord used his magic crystal to corrupt her mother. She was found by Kevin, Simon, and Kid Icarus and helped them in their battle with Dragon Lord. Puff is very fond of Simon because the smell of his cologne reminds her of her mother.
- Puff is the pet dog of Margot.
- A Jupiter Djinni in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Inflates an enemy until they burst, dealing massive damage. Image:Kraden.gif Kraden has reviewed the contents of this article and believes it could do with a bit of expansion (it is a stub). Please [:Puff&action=edit oblige him] to meet the quality standards of the rest of this tome of knowledge.
- Lu Long, alias Puff, is a police officer working out of the Jokertown precinct "Fort Freak".
- 1.Biología Puff es un pokemon muy extraño y bastante dificil de atrapar. Sus ojos son azules y su piel es de color fucsia. Sus poderes son : canto, tirar piedras, pompas, flequillazo y mover objetos. Su nivel es 10. 2.Información
* NOMBRE : Puff
* ESPECIE : Pokemons cantores
* TIPO : Normal/psiquico
* GRUPO HUEVO : Cantantes
* HABITAT : Region Lunix
* HABILIDAD : Mover objetos
* COMIDA : fruta y pokecubos 3.Evolucion
* Puffy (Nivel 1)
* Putt (Nivel 20)
- Despite appearances, Puff's belly is not made up of an enormous layer of fat and definitely not of muscle. Nor is Piranburg beer the cause of his stoutness. He is, in fact, simply full of air. A considerable amount of air! There's surely a good reason for this, but all that interests Bloodh is that now he can use him to fill their sails when the wind drops.
- Puffs is when you hit a creature or a player, and it doesn't bleed or neither sparks. It appears as white smoke on the monster/player, and it means either a successful block with the shield or a failed attack. A puff also occurs when a player casts a spell that doesn't work. Image:Puff.jpg
- Puffs is when you hit a creature or a player, and it doesn't bleed or neither sparks. It appears as white smoke on the monster/player, and it means either a successful block with the shield or a failed attack. A puff also occurs when a player casts a spell that doesn't work. Image:Puff.jpg